After making my own I can see why.
It was and it's so cute when it's done.
I adore it....I do.
Right now I'm sitting on my bed eating peanuts
watching this show, and wishing there was a girly version
oh can you imagine?
I'm not watching this show. Who cares?
Wishing I had bought this gum yesterday at Target, the sweet lil' sample
lady was handing it out.....yum.
Making one of these.
After eating peanuts needing one of these.
Still waiting on this.
Going to read this right now.
just moments ago
(the scene)Chloe is in her bed.....we are in ours
Chloe: Moooommmmm....can I get a wet washcloth ?
Me: why?
Chloe: my face is sooo hot.
Me: No Chloe...just go to sleep.
she runs into my room...with those 6 yr. old heavy feet, fists pumping by her sides
Chloe: but Moooommmm...I'm so dern hot.
Me: No washcloths in your bed...go to bed...NOW.
(normally I would let her have a washcloth....but tonight it's not hot and I KNOW when she really wants a washcloth and when she just does not want to go the bed.....tonight it's the latter)
(she is now back in her room)
Chloe:'s so hot on my least turn on the ATM.
curtains close with Mr. JaneSays and I smile and share a laugh remember I introduced you to Nina a day or so ago.
Nina is the super cool lady with the Beautify Your Blog series which walks you SIMPLY thru tweaking some areas of your blog......things you always wanted to do to your blog but didn't know how and didn't really want to pay someone to do for you.
Nina is having a lil' link up party this weekend so everyone can show off their new blog beatifications.
Here is a list of mine.
1.I increased the overall width of my main body (ha I also did that at dinner tonight cheese dip is my weakness).
2. I removed that despicable blogger navigation bar from the top this may be the change I wanted the most.
3. I now have grab buttons....over there on the an copy that html blah blah stuff and put my button on your blog...Yipeeeee !!!!
4. I now have one custom page and hope to have more. I created a tutorials page where readers can go to find all the nice. I have more pages in the works including recipes and children books we LOVE.
5. And last but certainly not new signature is a cute lil thing....I have always wanted one but had no clue...and now .... well I am happy lil' blogger.
Nina hats off to you rock indeed !!!
Now like I said the other day....get on over there to Momma Go Round's Beautify Your Blog Series and beautify your blog.
So...if you dont have anything to do today.....get over to Under the Sycamore
I have a GIVEAWAY going on over there as do many many...and I mean many other wonderful, fabulous, smashing shops !!
You'd be silly not to go !!!
Now git !!