Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Nice To Meet You All

As promised.....Boy...that was a BIG step for me.
Ah ....feels good though.....a little more blogging freedom.

Alright comments are certainly welcome....but remember...If you don't have something nice to say....don't say anything at all (wink).

Have a happy day
Pin It!


Heidi said...

Nice to see what you look like! Exactly which one are you? Heehee!

Trish said...

you are beautiful! and chloe is a doll!

Anonymous said...

Ahhhhhhhhhhhh what a great pic! And at Disneyland! How fun! I have always wanted to go there! Nice to "meet" you!
Happy Tuesday!

Beth said...

My son saw the picture and screamd (in my ear) JOJO!!!!! So I'd say the picture was well-received. :) (he thought the other really pixelated one looked like legos. interesting.)

On a slightly more serious note, thanks for taking the leap to welcome us into your life a little more. It's nice to "meet" you too.

Amy Bell said...

there is my sweet little beauty queen and the chloe girl!!!! xoxo

b3designs said...

It's so nice to be able to now put your face with all your beautiful craftiness. You kind of look like what I pictured you to look like, believe it or not. Thanks for sharing. Baby steps, baby steps.

Karen~ said...

Oh April, you are beautiful! I have always pictures you as a blonde.

Thanks for sharing with us.

Chloe is gorgeous also!


Kelly O. said...

How is it that everyone in blogland is so gorgeous! Your daughter is sweet too!

melissa said...

you are too freakin gorgeous! radiant! :) and that gorgeous little girl takes right after her mama!

dennimd said...

Cutie pies, both of you!

Just Me said...

well well well! Helllloooooo, hot tamales! Whoot whoot! Nice to see ya! Now, can't wait to see more of ya!

www.AForestFrolic.typepad.com said...

What a great photo, you all look so happy! I think it's a great step ;-)

Jamie :-)

Holly said...

Hi beauties. Hope you're well. xoxoxoxoxo Been too long since I've checked in. Looking forward to catching up on your posts. =-)

Anonymous said...

ah! you are beautiful! i want to beee youuuu! ;)