What does this mean?.....she can do each and every step of goin' potty......how does the 35 seconds she spends begging us to assist and running in place help...... because if she has to go really bad isn't that just prolonging the agony...holy cow I got of track.....anyway
Ms. Chloe persistently goes to the fridge and helps herself to a "big" water....then drinks 2 or 3 sips and pours it in the dog dish......So
At Target we bought tiny Chloe waters....nicely nestled on the bottom compartment of the door so she can help her independent self.....and drink and drink until she has to go so bad she needs some help.
In actuality they are pretty neat...they are designed for use in the bathtub and you fill them with various water levels to get different notes.
A few days ago Michelle of LuckyChelle Boutique contacted me and said " I have some fabric scraps would you like to HAVE them??
Welllll....YEA....thanks so much...I love them all.
and a lovely tag and bird to go along...Go check out her chipboard and tag albums....they are adorable and so well priced.
Chloe happily doing her new chore to earn Disney spending money.
Chloe and I stayed home today....let's see what we got into....Dollar Tree.
Love this place....look at that cute craft apron for Chloe....Ice pop makers some really cute and way cheap scrapbook/crafty goodies. Yummmmy !!
Chloe bought all of these squishy thingys...I dont really even know what they are....she gathered them all up and is showing them the Wall-e trailer....we are counting down the days until this movie hits the theatre.
Well no not for FREE I made money...most of these were .97 and my coupons were for $1.00 and more.
G's health insurance company thru work sent all employees a pedomoter and a mp3 player today...to encourage walking...I told Chloe she really should not be wearing it....she would more than likely blow it up !!!! The kid don't stop.
not bad for free huh?
dont forget the giveaway drawing is tomorrow.....scroll down to comment and get you name in the hat.
have a happy day
Robbie and I went to The Dollar Tree yesterday in Lincolnton. I bought him the same squishy animals! Too funny...I soo love hearing him scream with delight when I squish the lion and make it's face pop out.
Have a great weekend!
You made my day!
You are just too nice! I am so happy you loved the fabrics and you made me smile!
whew! that's quite the loot you guys got! I'm off to target now! enjoy your saturday!
what the heck...the dollar tree? I had no idea. Thanks for all my fab goodies you fab friend you.
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