Saturday, August 23, 2008

Nana's Bugs

Last week Chloe and my Mom made some bugs......I just thought they were too cute not to share. A bee...a rollie pollie ..... and a ladybug.
mom created the rollie pollie and ladybug by balling up newspaper and wrapping construction paper around that.
You will recognize the bee is an Easter egg.
Chloe contributed with her black marker.

A torn construction paper butterfly....a perfect addition to the bug family.
Just one more photo of Ms. Ladybug....she is my favorite.

Chloe wanted to have these to add to her bug collection....I just could not let her have them... I was afraid she would destroy them and I wanted to put them up and save that horrible of me?

some day she will be glad I did.....

Thank you mom.........for making bugs.

have a happy day

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Cheryl said...

Oo those are GREAT!! I may have to copy this idea!! They did a good job!!

Polka Dot Moon said...

The creative bug has bit Chloe too! Those are the cutest bugs ever :)

{Jennifer} said...'ve been tagged.

Holly said...

Oh....such a sweet post. Love that you are saving it for her. She WILL be thrilled in the future.
You're such an awesome mommy.


carissa... brown eyed fox said...

cute bugs! i love that bee!
i do the same thing... little treasures... those are keepsakes!

Amy Bell said...

did you just win over at on the dot???? i saw an april and thought it might be you!!!

Anonymous said...

those are such adorable little bugs!!!! My Chloe happened to be next to me while I was looking at them and see declared that we need to make those too, just like the other Chloe! lol soo cute!

You can call me Lucky. said...

You've been tagged, again!

Bubbles said...

I just went to your Sibi shop to see what cute owls you had in store and came across your blog link. I love reading blogs so checked your out and your posts are great. I hope you don't mind but I'll be linking you on my blog to come back often and see what you post :)