For the past 3 years my cousin Summer and I have attended the Creating Keepsakes Scrapbook Convention.
Go check out the site.....if it's coming to your area.....I highly suggest you go....if paper is your thing.
We always have the best time spending oodles of money and giving each other a hard time for doing so.
By the time it rolls around each year I forget just how good it is....I am never prepared when I first see this room.
Summer peeked in an upstairs room where a lady was eating her lunch to ask if we could get a bird's eye view....she informed us that the room we were in was where they watched for scrap lifters of the criminal kind.
This photo is only a part of the vendor floor.
It's truly amazing....if you are a paper geek.
I bought myself a box of these don't be surprised if you see some Skinny Cow drip embellishments at JaneSays (wink)
I thought about showing you all my new goods....but I don't want to give too much away.
Keep and eye on JaneSays !!!
Oh yea...and Summer completely gave me her permission to put her face on my know how I am about that.
have a happy day
FUN!!!!!!! Glad you got to have a girls weekend. Fabulous pictures. Looking forward to seeing the new creations.
They're comin' to Phoenix next month. I'm taking a couple of classes, and looking forward to seeing all those goodies!!!
Thanks for the sneak peek :)
stop it!!!!
i would flipping go NUTS in that place!
how FUN... how completely AWESOME... i would go in a second... with a trailer in tow! :)
i LOVE that pic of the MEN there! that is the best!
i am way really jealous. what a weekend! why don't we have those here??? ugh!
oh man you are so lucky!
i went to this years ago in chicago and i want to go again! it is so much fun. it's like sam's club for scrappers.
so cool that you were there.
now...i am going to check out when it comes close to me.
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