Sunday, October 12, 2008


Marriage.....some of us do it....some of us don't.

My little cousin Summer has decided to do it.

Next May...Summer and Neal will join the club.

Saturday night Neal's parents honored Summer and Neal with a lovely party, and at the request of the bride we were all asked....well no...ordered (she chased us with the pen and clipboard) to give them our best marriage advice.....

Well...I would love to extend this a little and ask you, my readers, to give Summer and Neal your BEST marriage can be can hilarious....just make it good.

have a happy day

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Crystal said...

It may sound cliche but we never go to bed angry...or leave the room angry for that matter. We also always say what is on our minds...makes it easier for those of us with spouses who aren't good guessers. :)

Erika M. said...

Try not to go to bed mad at each other.

melissa said...

i am not married, nor being close to being married, but i *think* it would be... stay true to one another.

Anonymous said...

I have a marriage that is truely me and my hubby. We are very much up and down. When things are great, they are perfect, when they are bad, omgosh, they are horrible... But it works for us.. ok, my advice would be always try to talk it out. Even if you can only talk for 2 minutes about a situation before you have to "take a break" do so. Then come back to it when you are cooled off a bit more. Before we started to take fight breaks, we would say really cruel things to each other. Its def. helped! said...

Communication is the key to success...okay that sounds so dorky but it's true! And yeah, don't go to bed mad at each other for sure. By the way, you've been tagged because your blog rocks! Check mine out to see what to do

Anonymous said...

Don't compare your marriage to anyone else's. It's not going to be identical to your mom & dad's or the couple you know that "look so happy together." Work on your own marriage--and it is work. Expect ups and downs, but commit to working through those adventures together.

Margaret said...

Keeping God at the center of marriage is really important. My husband and I try to always keep him as the foundation for our lives and marriage.

I was going to put never go to bed mad, but then I saw thats what everyone else put. It has to be good advise if its working for everyone else too.

Anonymous said...

To me ~ the best advice is that you always think you are the one giving 80%. Just remember, the other person does so much that you don't notice ~ that they feel like they are doing the 80%. Keep that perspective and appreciate one another!

carissa... brown eyed fox said...

two things...
without a doubt... it is a marriage of THREE... God is right in the middle... there are times... really tough times... HE is the only one that gets you through the it!
oh and second... hubby... pick your dirty underwear & tshirts OFF THE FLOOR... there is this thing called a hamper! :)

LJ said...

yes, all of those things.... but I think that discussing things like how you feel chores should be divided and making a plan will avoid A LOT of arguments!