Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I got the Seeds

I believe we have all recovered from our vacation
the laundry is done
the suitcases are back in the attic
the dog is used to having us around again

we laid very low all weekend....and laying low involved a little pumpkin carving
planning it out
I never drew a face on mine when I was little....I just started cutting
G is way more methodical

How do you want the mouth to look Chloe?
....."like this"

the fun part if you ask me.....I am a bare hands scooper

Chloe and G liked a spoon
just might have been Chloe's favorite part

an artist at work......

Daddy got some fun daughter-daddy time

Chloe got some of the same and she got to play with slime...bonus !!

I got the seeds....Mmmmm......roasted pumpkin seeds

the best.

have a happy day

Saturday, October 25, 2008

M I C.....K E Y......M O U S E........

hi......hi...hello....in case you did not know.....I just returned from the happiest place on earth...Disney World.
Yes we had a wonderful time....Great food...Great fun....and we made the BEST memories.

I hope you all enjoyed the JaneSays Fall Giveaway Bonanza.....I have all the winners chosen and will list them below....I will be back very soon here on the blog and at JaneSays....at the current moment I am under oodles of laundry and various sundries....so I will see you soon.

Please contact me back thru my blog...or JaneSays....or email (aprilshowerz12@hotmail.com) if you are a winner so I can get your mailing address.

Ok....here goes...congratulations to all the winners !!!!!

Birdy Tags on Monday ....winner is trish who commented:

definitely gift wrap, with real ribbon and fun gift tags! LOVE THEM!!!

Urban Prairie Tag From Lemon Tree on Tuesday .....winner is proudgrits11(Tabitha) who commented:

Easy, I love the owl Christmas stocking! but I love everything you gals make! Thanks, April!

Apples for Wednesday .....winner is casey who commented:

My favorite fruit would be bananas. In close second are watermelon, and berries. Thanks for all the giveaways!

House Tags for Thursday .....winner is norma who commented:

I love her cards, and the houses in a row towels. But what has most inspired me is (strangely) her clay work... I just found some old trays of letter fonts for a press... I lost them a while ago but I also have some clay... I think I'm about to go play and see what I can come up with!

JOY tags for Friday .....winner is carly smith who commented:

my favorite Christmas carol is "walking in a winter wonderland" because it's a great little love story... :)"In the meadow we can build a snowman,Then pretend that he is Parson Brown He'll say: Are you married?We'll say: No man, But you can do the job When you're in town.Later on, we'll conspire,As we dream by the fire To face unafraid, The plans that we've made,Walking in a winter wonderland."have a great weekend!

Thank you to everyone for stopping by the blog and leaving your "fun" comments....more about Disney after I recover !!

have a happy day

Friday, October 24, 2008

Joy Tags For Friday

Perfect for the upcoming Holiday Season

From my shop JaneSays....8 JOY tags.

To win this giveaway....I want to know your favorite Christmas Carol or Holiday Song....leave me a comment on this post and fill me in.

Winner will be chosen on Saturday

have a happy day

Thursday, October 23, 2008

House Tags For Thursday

From the Super Cute Shop Little Bit Funky....a set of 4 house tags.....don't you just love pom poms....I do.

How do you win these you say.....head over to Little Bit Funky....come back here ....tell me which item you LOVE.

Winner will be chosen on Saturday

have a happy day and Thanks Crystal

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Apples For Wednesday

Apples Apples...Yummy Yummy Apples

The winner of this contest will receive 50 JaneSays Fresh and Fun Apples
You can request certain colors if you like or I will send you 50 random apples....they measure approx. 1 inch.

Cute confetti....drop a couple in your kid's lunch...use for crafting.

To win....simply leave a comment telling me your favorite fruit.

Winner will be chosen on Saturday

have a happy day

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Urban Prairie Tags For Tuesday

These tags make me so happy...I was completely tickled when Shelly at Lemon Tree offered them up for my week of giveaways.

These are great to keep on hand for gifts and sweet notes.

How can this darling little set of tags be yours.....go visit Lemon Tree come back here and tell me your favorite item in the comments section.

Winner will be chosen on Saturday.

have a happy day and Thank you Shelly

Monday, October 20, 2008

Birdie Tags On Monday

Today's giveaway is from my shop....JaneSays.

Sweet red birdie tags....8 of them to be exact.

These are so darling on Christmas gifts and sweets.

To enter....leave a comment on this post telling me if you are a gift wrap or a gift bag type of person.

Winner will be chosen on Saturday

have a happy day

Sunday, October 19, 2008

JaneSays Fall Giveaway Bonanza

JaneSays Fall Giveaway Bonanza

Beginning Monday......I will be giving away goodies each and every day for the entire week.

No...not cars...or houses...or Amazon gift cards....but fun and cute goodies none the less.

I asked 2 of my best buddies to join me....there will be the sweetest items from Lemon Tree Studio and Little Bit Funky too....and I KNOW you don't wanna miss that....could those two sweeties be any more talented ??

Sooooooo....now you know....there will be a new post each day at no certain time so be sure to keep checkin' back.

have fun.....and thanks for reading my blog...this is the least I could do....you all are fabulous.

have a happy day

Friday, October 17, 2008

Let the Boo-ing Begin

The first Halloween in our new neighborhood we noticed these little white...identical...ghosts on a few doors....the next day they were on a few more..

The next day one was on ours.....with a bag full of candy....toys....and other sundries.

We had been Booed !!

If you live in a neighborhood and if you have kids.....this is soooo much fun.

Here is a link explaining how to play....you can tweak this...add to and take from it...make the game your own.

Make up a few treat bags to get the game started.....round up the kiddos....go out late after it dark...put the ghost, instructions and treat on someone's porch and run....we don't ring the doorbell but you can if you like.

Have a little safe and not so scary Halloween fun.

~~ Don't forget to come back Monday~~

have a happy day

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Surprise !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh...I am just busting at the seams to tell you......something FUN will be happening here all next week....you just have to make sure you come back.

Be HERE.....Monday......

I may peek in to say hello again between now and then and remind you.....you don't wanna miss this.....you like free stuff ....right ??

have a happy day

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

No Gnews is Good Gnews

Do you remember The Great Space Coaster ?

if so.....do you remember Gary Gnu ?

I love to sit down with Chloe and take her on a trip, sharing with her of all of the shows I loved as a kid...

thanks to YouTube....that is pretty simple

This clip is one of her favorites....you know how children laugh uncontrollably ..... as if they can't begin to stop....that is the reaction elicited by this.....which makes me play it over and over.....Chloe's laugh is the sweetest music.


have a happy day

Sunday, October 12, 2008


Marriage.....some of us do it....some of us don't.

My little cousin Summer has decided to do it.

Next May...Summer and Neal will join the club.

Saturday night Neal's parents honored Summer and Neal with a lovely party, and at the request of the bride we were all asked....well no...ordered (she chased us with the pen and clipboard) to give them our best marriage advice.....

Well...I would love to extend this a little and ask you, my readers, to give Summer and Neal your BEST marriage advice....it can be serious....it can hilarious....just make it good.

have a happy day

Friday, October 10, 2008

Cupcake...Cupcake....Who won the cupcake ??

Andrea ....... whose favorite Christmas treat is Caramel Brie and she even included the recipe.....go to the comments section of the giveaway if you need to make you some of that....and there are some other yummy ones there too.

Congratulations Andrea.....please contact me via my JaneSays or at aprilshowerz12@hotmail.com

I need your address so I can get this sweet little cupcake to you.

Thanks for reading my blog

have a happy day

Thursday, October 9, 2008


Hungry Hungry Hippos
Without a doubt one of my favorite childhood games
The sound of all 4 hippos munching at once can be deafening
and its good for families because it is very hard to cheat
I get sorta grumpy when there is cheating goin' onWhat was your favorite childhood game ?

have a happy day

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The "Buckler"

Around this time
each and every year
the house at the entrance to our neighborhood
hires a butler (buckler according to a certain 4 year old)
Chloe has been mildly obsessed with him for 3 years

This year was no different
Saturday she discovered he (see above) had taken his usual spot by their front door
When we pulled our car in the garage that was it
no one could go potty
no one could lay a thing down
we had to take a walk......and now
The "buckler" was out

As we arrived at the sidewalk leading to the house the "buckler's" owners were adding the finishing touches to their Halloween display
They performed the necessary actions to get Sir "buckler" to perform for Chloe
She loved every minute

Welcome October and all that you bring......leaves....apples....cider....cool days.....pumpkins....hayrides.....and "bucklers"

Be sure to scroll down for the cupcake giveaway !!

have a happy day

Monday, October 6, 2008

Sweet Christmas Giveaway

This giveaway is so simple.....and if you are chosen you will receive this whimsical cupcake ornament.

Leave a comment on this post telling me your favorite Christmas or Holiday Season Treat (it does not have to be sweet....I love salty too) ...that my friends gets you one entry.
Leave me the recipe or a link to it for a second entry.

The winner will be randomly drawn on Friday.

have a happy day

Sunday, October 5, 2008

It Was Our Kind Of Day

Today was that kind of day for us. We went fast fast fast......
We went slow slow slow.

Hope your day was your kind of day

All Halloween Goodies 25% off at JaneSays

have a happy day

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Ode To Lei Lei

Today I just wanted to share a snippet about one of my best buds.
My Lei Lei.
Lei Lei just turned 10 years old the end of August.....I. Do. Not. Like. My. Doggie. Getting. Old.
While sometimes cranky and grouchy....Lei Lei is overall just the sweetest pooch and
while there are a bushel of GREAT people in my life.....there also one TERRIFIC dog.
I love you Lei Lei.

have a happy day

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Creative Time

One of my favorite mediums for Chloe's free creative time is good ole' play-doh.
It has stood the test of time.....kids love it....heck even adults love it....I love it.....and Mmmmm that smell.
One of the best and most fun play-doh kits I have ever purchased was this one...the animal eyes and body parts....hours of fun and hilarious combinations.

Get out some play-doh.....its good for your mental health.
have a happy day