Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The "Buckler"

Around this time
each and every year
the house at the entrance to our neighborhood
hires a butler (buckler according to a certain 4 year old)
Chloe has been mildly obsessed with him for 3 years

This year was no different
Saturday she discovered he (see above) had taken his usual spot by their front door
When we pulled our car in the garage that was it
no one could go potty
no one could lay a thing down
we had to take a walk......and now
The "buckler" was out

As we arrived at the sidewalk leading to the house the "buckler's" owners were adding the finishing touches to their Halloween display
They performed the necessary actions to get Sir "buckler" to perform for Chloe
She loved every minute

Welcome October and all that you bring......leaves....apples....cider....cool days.....pumpkins....hayrides.....and "bucklers"

Be sure to scroll down for the cupcake giveaway !!

have a happy day


  1. traditions... oh the fun!
    i think he might scare my little one.

  2. Love this time of year! I can't believe that Chloe isn't scared of the "Buckler".......he looks mighty creepy!

  3. oh..the buckler...that is so funny!

  4. Does the butler not scare Chloe? He looks pretty creepy to me!



Tell me whatcha think...pretty please.