Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I got the Seeds

I believe we have all recovered from our vacation
the laundry is done
the suitcases are back in the attic
the dog is used to having us around again

we laid very low all weekend....and laying low involved a little pumpkin carving
planning it out
I never drew a face on mine when I was little....I just started cutting
G is way more methodical

How do you want the mouth to look Chloe?
....."like this"

the fun part if you ask me.....I am a bare hands scooper

Chloe and G liked a spoon
just might have been Chloe's favorite part

an artist at work......

Daddy got some fun daughter-daddy time

Chloe got some of the same and she got to play with slime...bonus !!

I got the seeds....Mmmmm......roasted pumpkin seeds

the best.

have a happy day


  1. roasted pumpkin seeds ARE the best... couldn't agree more!

    i don't remember drawing first... hmmmmm... don't recall! he is a planner that guy!

  2. so good to see you home! i have missed talking with you too! it has been busy here....not like one thing..just a busy time. thank you so much for the disney info....you are the bestest.

    i love the pumpkin carving!!! and the seeds...yummo. yummo.

  3. hey, are you gonna send me over some of those pumpkin seeds?? Love those!!

  4. i love fall.
    and even the (stinky) smell of pumpkin carving.

    this is a memory being made!
    good job mama!


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