Saturday, November 1, 2008

Goodbye October

I came home Friday
I plugged in a curling iron I borrowed from my mother
I was glad she still owned one
Really didn't want to buy a curling iron just to create "fairy hair" I knew to keep Rosetta the Disney Fairy(Chloe) occupied
I would have to curl her hair in from of the TV
I grabbed an empty flower pot(hot curling iron stand) from my table
now let the curling commence

When Chloe was born the nurse said
"if this child is ever goin' to have curly hair you will have to give her a perm"
She was right....Chloe's hair and curls do not get along
these were gone in ....oh.....20 minutes
We took the beautiful fairy with the straight hair trick-or-treating

The "buckler's" house....yes Holly we took her...but do you know she would not go up on the porch
Can't say I blame her though...just as these girls went up the "buckler" began to speak
they all screamed
Which made Chloe walk a little bit faster......have to get outta here....must get outta here

We saw Shortstop dressed up like a Charlotte Bobcat.....very very cute !!!

Perhaps Chloe's favorite part
giving out candy when we got home
2 per person....would not even budge for her good buddy Emma down the street....we told her she could give her more then 2 which Chloe replied "nope...I am only supposed to give them 2"
another cute moment occurred when...the doorbell rang and Chloe was not really ready....she opened the door before she had her candy bucket in hand....she kindly asked the trick-or-treaters to please hold the door open for themselves while she grabbed her bucket.
and.....While the cat is away the mice will play
Chloe = candy giver outer
Mommy and Daddy = candy thieves
Sooo....we still have not sold our house
I am ITCHING to do some decorating...especially after seeing Meg's playroom redo
Man that woman has some talent
anyway....I don't wanna paint or buy new goodies and then someone come and buy my home the next I am TYRING to hold off
To satisfy my need today I redid all the kitchen cabinets....
Chloe had a party on the coffee table with things bound for Goodwill...
occupied her little self for an hour
It was a grand party
We did some baking....really is any holiday complete without a little baking?

During my me time...
I made a few more speak it pieces.....heading to JaneSays next week

and some more Christmas cottage ornaments and some fun birdie ones too.
I'd say we sent October out with a BANG !!!
have a happy day


  1. Too fun! Oh...the buckler talks? Creepy. No wonder she needed to walk fast. =-) Great post & pics. Thanks for sharing. LOVE the new goodies too.

    I'll pray for your house, sweet friend.


  2. Oh, she is sucha peach...look at that cute so sweet! new goodies look delish, too!

  3. her hair is beautiful... i think the curls took... gave her hair bounce!

    giving out the candy... so fun...she was keeper of the candy!

    i totally can relate to the house thing... not wanting to "put into" a house you won't be staying in... it is SOOOO hard refraining! our home isn't for sale BUT my toes are crossed it will be soon... that means we go back to TX. YOUR house WILL sell & you'll get to create super fun spaces!



Tell me whatcha think...pretty please.