Saturday, April 26, 2008

Free Money.....

For those of you who don't know...I am on vacation next laptop goes with me on vacation so I will be able to check in now and then....and maybe...just maybe give you a vacation post or while I am gone....GO BUY SOMETHING AT JANESAYS......any purchase gets your name in the hat once....every item purchased from the I Love A Sale Section...get your name thrown in once per for a purchase you get 1 and if that purchase includes 3 sale items... you get 3 more...for a total of 4 chances to WIN a
$10 JaneSays Credit....and FREE SHIPPING on your winning go buy something !! Vacation Promotion ends Saturday May the 3rd...which just so happens to be my 5th wedding anniversary......yay !!!!!!
Check back here next week to see if you won !!

have a happy day

Friday, April 25, 2008


A sure sign we are having warmer days...Nana and Chloe are able to play outside every afternoon....Nana lets Chloe get down and dirty just the way Chloe likes nice...these dirty little footsies on my robin's egg blue couch.....sigh..........
Tell me if your husband and other members of your family have this disease....the what the heck is all this crap laying on the steps for syndrome......I lay things that need to go up on the steps....G steps over it....C rearranges it.....its a sad, crippling disease that takes away their ability to take the stairs....wonder if there is a support group I could attend??
From March to September...this is where flip flops hang out and take a rest........
If you are sick to death of my birds...well first shame on you and you may scroll on down....if not.....oh boy...when I got home today...only one little birdy...the timid shy one...the chicken, so to speak....all alone in the big ole nest. Every so often Mommy and Daddy...light down beside him....then fly if to say...come on ya big do it!!

Peer pressure....all the siblings flying around and dad pressuring...all the name calling...should I do it.....oh come on....just jump...surely my wings will work...wont they...
Oh...I just cant....Bless its heart ..... right back to the nest.
45 minutes after this I have a touch of empty nest syndrome......
So....Mommy's big mouth strikes today when we pull in...I see this...we have this neighbor across the street...they have lived there over a year...and they STILL have their garage packed with boxes.....and I mean from wall to wall all the way up to the door. Well...every couple of months or so...I suppose they need something that is tucked away nicely in one of those here goes daddy...he drags it all out....and you see them all going thru boxes.....then they shove it all back anyway...I say..out loud now as we are pulling in "Gosh...there they go dragging all their junk out again...that is such a mess" forward to this evening...we were upstairs getting ready and Chloe is outside on the upstairs front porch that leads out from our bedroom... playing.... while we are getting ready and I hear this...."My mommy said ya'll got all ya'lls junk out again.....its a big mess" I bout' choked on my toothbrush.....hey...its the truth....what do ya do....what do ya say....the dad said "yea....we gotta mess" I second that....and since he agrees I just left it kids kids.... leave it to a kid....too funny !! I patted her on the head "come on honey....let's go to dinner"....we waved as I shut the door.
Speaking of funny...this mess cracks me up...I'll not rant about gas prices....we ALL know they are too high.....this is the part I rant the bottom of my receipt of $70.50 for reminds me to have a nice day.....a nice day would be me spending that money on craft goodies...or a massage...or Old Navy tank tops....or at the antique shop...NOT ON GASOLINE !!! Don't drink and drive....hahahahaha thing is if I was a drinkin' woman.....mind you I am not speaking of the drive part....but the drinkin' is exactly what that total would make me wanna do.......
have a happy day

Counting Down...

10 Reasons Why Next Week Will Be A Great Week
1. Little fingers and little toes in the sand
2. Cheeseburgers at Hamburger Joes
3. Long drives looking at beautiful beach homes.
4. No Phone
5. No Mail
6. Beach Hair...very similar to Bed Head..Scrumptious....
7. Yay......its pink nose time.
8. No what you want...go to bed when you want.
9. Chloe's first putt putt adventure...I hope "we" are ready.
10. Beach shops...they only jump into my rotation in the Spring and Summer months...I miss them so.

have a happy day

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Christmas in April Stinky Toes Style....

Third post today...I am on a roll people... Feast your eyes on these in the shop tonight and a few nights to come...I made a batch of these Jumbo blossoms....they just make me smile...I love holding them..I plan on leaving them in a pile on my table until they sell...that's how happy they make me.
look how sweet...our babies are growing up....look at everyone so curious...where is mama...what is that noise...who is that lady with the camera...we must be famous. These babies grew up in the limelight....Chloe, Garren and I always lookin' snappin' photos.

approx. 10 minutes after I took this flew...Yay !!!!!!!! now we have 3....I am so proud.
Yes I am corny.....can't help it...I just love birds.
We grilled chicken tonight...this is the sauce my family has used for years....Garren does not like traditional BBQ sauce flavor but he loves this...its nothing like BBQ flavor....its soooo good. I would say try it'll love it...but may not..I will just is my favorite and my family has used it for 20 years or try it if you like....if you can find may very well be a CAROLINA thing.
Deck the halls with boughs of holly....fa la la la laaaaaaa la la la laaaaa...........This was on my porch. So you see...earlier this week I won the giveaway on Stinky Toes Design...the blog and shop of the lovely Amy. ok...scroll on to see why I am singing......It's Christmas in April
card...vintage button magnets...luggage card holder...ipod cozy bookmarks...hairpins...Amy Butler fat quarter.....oh yea...there is more

3....not 1 .not 2...3 beautiful necklaces....and she tickled my heart sending one for Chloe...all of my new friends are so GOOD to Chloe....she wore it until bath was a hit. Aren't you so jealous of me.....of course there is more....

vintage buttons...vintage beads...more hairpins.....sunny yellow seam binding....pretty peach string...2 fun vintage wood spools...more you ask....well yea

Yay !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A bloom cottage...I have been eyeing these beauties for a fact I am in the process of planning a couple of custom ones to frame for my home.....this was the BEST part.

and these babies were tucked in the back of the bloom cottage...these would make a great gift...hop over and check them out now.....

Amy....thank you so very much for the lovely...kind...generous box of and my little birdy taking flight made my week. You are such a lovely and talented person...I am so glad to know you !!
have a happy day


Tonight...Grey's is back......well hello Mc Dreamy....... Tonight....Lost is back......
Be there..
have a happy day

random thought...

hi girls.....sometimes thoughts... well.... a lot of times thoughts pop into my head....mostly they are not worth sharing...this one I believe do ya'll remember sporting shoulder pads....I enjoyed a little laugh with myself when I thought of these. I can still picture my shirts that had them...and do you remember how you had to get them speprated so one part was on each side of your shoulder....and how mysteriously one side would come unstitched and fall to the front or the back and you have that silly lump on your back or either your boob ends up looking all mis-shapen.....gaw I hated those things now and it makes me shudder now thinking of them.....please please never let them come back.....I was not an attractive linebacker and dont wanna try to be one again....ok random thought is over....think back to your shoulder pad tops and have a little laugh at yourself.....

have a happy day

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

I Love A Freebie and a Cute Book

Happy Wednesday Friends...
Cute Chloe moment of the since she is my child I am sure to find this cuter than any of you but enjoy today when I picked up Chloe at preschool her teacher said the funniest thing happened eyes got big and I began to shake...oh Gaw...what did Chloe do...well a fellow classmate...a little girl ....let's call her Alaina was goin potty...Chloe was next in line and obviously standing very close by and she turned to her teacher and said "doesn't Alaina have the cutest little tiny butt?" the teacher said she and the other teacher near about went potty in their pants...Chloe was just so matter of fact about it....I find it funny because its not like Chloe's butt won't fit in a teacup itself.....ya know. So this came in the mail today...yet another freebie it has honestly been 2 years since I have purchased a razor for Garren or deodorant for myself...these are the 2 freebies I receive the most. As I have mentioned before I have a super cushy job...basically I get to sit at a desk all day and entertain myself with the I began signing up for freebies and entering paid off big last year...I won a $500 visa gift card and a $5oo Fossill gift card...amongst other smaller goodies. I don't do it as much as I used to...but with this stinkin' economy I think I will pick up the pace once again. If you are interested in the sites I visit...leave me your email and I will fill you in.
This is the sweet little book that Chloe made at school this week...I know I know you see this kind of stuff from your own kids everyday...but I thought this was extra cute so I wanted to just humor me and ooooh and ahhhh over my daughter's artistic abilities.
Buttons...buttons..looks like something mommy would do.....

I don't know why these are Spring Animals...I don't really think of a lion when I think of Spring.

Now this is Springy....

slow and steady wins the race.
have a happy day

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Together Tuesday..the Best Day of the Week

Hi all...I am just crazy about Tuesday' all know and the Chlo-bug...tearin' up the usual....breakfast at Panera Bread...then over to the Salon...Chloe had a hair appt. at 9:15...just a little snip...daddy would just die if I cut all of her hair off...and NO he IS NOT the one who has to brush the knots out of her hair daily....but we do what we can to keep daddy happy...sheeesh !! is it just me or does this trash can look like its wearing one of those grassy hats....cute lil' thing. I am not the complete earth friendly person..and I am not preaching it to you....but from this article let me list oh....5 things that maybe you and I both could try to adopt to help this place out....
1. Wash only full loads of laundry...and if you have kids..I know you are...this can save 3400 gallons a water a year per household.
2. Rediscover old fashioned bar soap and eliminate the plastic bottle waste....oooh that is a tough one...ooooey goooey soap bars...but maybe I'll try.
3. Match your pots to the burner size when you avoid wasting mean I should not see 2 inches of red glowing around my pot.....but its so pretty...ok this I can do.
4. Turn of the tap when you brush your teeth ....yea I can turn it off...wait I already do...but Garren does I'll work on him.
5. Bring your own shopping bags....this I have already started....just today !!
Now...let's hug the earth together.
Enough said.....go outside...take your kids.....enjoy !!

Well...I finally made an appointment with the ol' MD....nope not the flu...not a sinus infection...not a cold....but allergies....I have never been an allergy person....hi to everyone who already is...I am joining you and boy is it fun. So she gave me this sample...she said over the counter Zyrtec would probably be a little bit better but to try why would she say that....oh ...this sample was FREE....dang right I'll give it a try...I only have to take something when I am feeling crummy not everyday....she also prescribed we'll see how it goes.

I find this so cute....every time I am taking photos..for etsy..for the blog...for the heck of it...Chloe rushes over with a toy or something and says "Mom...take this...take this" today I am posting Chloe's photo subject of the day...she carefully lays them on the floor or table and positions them just right...then says "ok mom...they are ready". She is too cute. Look at that crazy prince....facing the wrong way...Cinderella is over there...he ain't got a clue, but his shadow appears to be figuring it out !!
and now...for those of you who love to see what we bought on together Tuesday....this is the super neat-o reusable shopping bag at target...only .99....I plan on getting one each time I go until I have enough to use each time....ya know sometimes I buy a whole shopping cart full so I will be needing more than one of these babies....Squeeze the earth....hug her real good.

it folds up into a little wallet for easy storage.

Chloe got a boatload of clothes here are some....

and I can not believe my bug loving...dirt pie making...ain't' even watching no princess movie daughter had to have these hot pink..... no doubt glittery sandals.....I quickly bought them before she changed her mind....She wore them to dinner tonight...she is just the perfect combination of soft and hard...quiet and and white...a real rough tough cream puff.

OK your advice I bought this book today....yep...first time I have EVER cried in target....then yea...again tonight when we read it before bed.....if you have a must get this is so special...a fun easy read with sooooo much meaning. Write a nice note in the front to your daughter and she will cherish it very sweet.

at least 2 of these things tell me we are heading to the beach....very soon...yay !!!!!!!
Don't forget to swing by JaneSays for the Earth Day Promotion...ends tonight !!
Welcome home Crystal !!
have a happy day !!

Earth Day Promotion at JaneSays

Hi...Purchase any item from JaneSays with a bird...tree...flower...etc. on it and enjoy 10% off that item...please wait on a revised invoice.....have you hugged your earth today?? Promotion today only.

have a happy "earth" day

Monday, April 21, 2008

Super Duper Long Post

Some weekends I just can't make myself blog...the idea of sitting down at the computer that long just does not excite me....but I am here today with lots to show and tell.
Thanks for all of the great comments to the smells post....I am glad so many of you enjoyed it...I wonder what smells our children will recall whey they are all grown up?? Point out smells to your kiddies so they will make a mental note and can have as much fun remembering as we have.

Alrighty then....on with the post.... here is a new goodie that will be debuting at JaneSays this week.....super easy and fun to make.

looky looky...handmade and hand painted buttons....if you must have some....they will be skipping into the shop this sets of 10.
Fabulous paper many ideas come to mind....fresh and fun colors.....

oodles and oodles of embellishments....if you purchase some send me a pic of your creations...I would love to add them to the blog.

This is Chloe's breakfast line-up each morning when we get to Nana's house....the healthier cereals go on the bottom in the greatest amounts....then the sugary junk ones go on the top...more like a sprinkle.....she loves them all together...she can not be my child...I keep my cereals separate....well no let's be perfectly honest...I don't mind a bit when my green beans and corn get over in my mashed I guess she kinda gets it honest. Yummmm

My mother and I took Chloe to Memorial Gardens last week....we got so many beautiful shots of her...she was super behaved and had a blast being the star of the show..... I could not choose my favorite photo of these juicy red you get them both.


you are all welcome to look...but this pic is for Ms. are the papers I chose for your blossoms....let me know if there are any you don't like...and if you want more of any color....

Pen you have too many pens....and I even make it a rule not to keep advertisement pens...only office supply store type purchased pens...and still so many...I think they have pen relations in there...because dang.....and yes they are all blue...cause you know how I feel about black ink.

don't have a tablet like need one..makes grocery lists so very easy...mine came from anthropologie....I assume they still have them.

this cute and useful magazine began coming in the mail today....don't know why or how...but I like it...and if you sent it to me...thanks !!

Weekend know I like to show ya what I have bought...

felt goodness....I love felt embellishments right now...


oh what to do with this??

fun fabric covered brads...

flowers with matching brads...I love the polka dotted ones...

So for you Office lovers...I began watching it this time around....I love that show....I can't believe I have not been watching all along....

Watched my first Lifetime Movie last night...never been Lifetime movie kind of I love me some ABC Family was called Gossip....loved it !! I think I am hooked....I am growing up...its official.

have a happy day