Wednesday, April 23, 2008

I Love A Freebie and a Cute Book

Happy Wednesday Friends...
Cute Chloe moment of the since she is my child I am sure to find this cuter than any of you but enjoy today when I picked up Chloe at preschool her teacher said the funniest thing happened eyes got big and I began to shake...oh Gaw...what did Chloe do...well a fellow classmate...a little girl ....let's call her Alaina was goin potty...Chloe was next in line and obviously standing very close by and she turned to her teacher and said "doesn't Alaina have the cutest little tiny butt?" the teacher said she and the other teacher near about went potty in their pants...Chloe was just so matter of fact about it....I find it funny because its not like Chloe's butt won't fit in a teacup itself.....ya know. So this came in the mail today...yet another freebie it has honestly been 2 years since I have purchased a razor for Garren or deodorant for myself...these are the 2 freebies I receive the most. As I have mentioned before I have a super cushy job...basically I get to sit at a desk all day and entertain myself with the I began signing up for freebies and entering paid off big last year...I won a $500 visa gift card and a $5oo Fossill gift card...amongst other smaller goodies. I don't do it as much as I used to...but with this stinkin' economy I think I will pick up the pace once again. If you are interested in the sites I visit...leave me your email and I will fill you in.
This is the sweet little book that Chloe made at school this week...I know I know you see this kind of stuff from your own kids everyday...but I thought this was extra cute so I wanted to just humor me and ooooh and ahhhh over my daughter's artistic abilities.
Buttons...buttons..looks like something mommy would do.....

I don't know why these are Spring Animals...I don't really think of a lion when I think of Spring.

Now this is Springy....

slow and steady wins the race.
have a happy day


  1. WHOOOOWHOOOO....I am ALL about freebies!!....The only problem I have found in the past with SOME of those sites, is that you have to "sign up" for something BEEEEEEEEEfore they GIVE you the free stuff......If you have any special hints...they would be much appreciated....please email me at
    creative blessings, Debbie
    PS....your sweet little one DEFINITELY got her talent from you!!TFS her ART!

  2. Love the pretzel twigs and would love to know the sites you visit... :)

  3. April, I would love to know about these


  4. suuuper, I would love to know about the freebies.

    p.s. I love your daughter's art work

  5. March comes in like a LION and out like a lamb...there's your lion-spring connection!! Ha! And Oh funny about the tiny butt comment! Chloe is so precious! I love the art! Have you seen how Megan at "Whatever" hangs up her kids artwork - on her cabinets - it looks so cute! Do you hang up her art? If so - please share! Also, did you hear I won C's giveaway!! Ah! I'm so excited! Talk to you soon!!!

  6. been checking out your blog for a while. i love all the nice pics & seeing the projects going on!
    (i've ordered from you in the past)
    please share your freebie sites! i am the same but i can only do it PT since i work. maybe we can share?! thanks!


Tell me whatcha think...pretty please.