Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Together Tuesday..the Best Day of the Week

Hi all...I am just crazy about Tuesday's....you all know why...me and the Chlo-bug...tearin' up the town....as usual....breakfast at Panera Bread...then over to the Salon...Chloe had a hair appt. at 9:15...just a little snip...daddy would just die if I cut all of her hair off...and NO he IS NOT the one who has to brush the knots out of her hair daily....but we do what we can to keep daddy happy...sheeesh !! is it just me or does this trash can look like its wearing one of those grassy hats....cute lil' thing.
OK...no I am not the complete earth friendly person..and I am not preaching it to you....but from this article let me list oh....5 things that maybe you and I both could try to adopt to help this place out....
1. Wash only full loads of laundry...and if you have kids..I know you are...this can save 3400 gallons a water a year per household.
2. Rediscover old fashioned bar soap and eliminate the plastic bottle waste....oooh that is a tough one...ooooey goooey soap bars...but maybe I'll try.
3. Match your pots to the burner size when you cook...to avoid wasting heat...you mean I should not see 2 inches of red glowing around my pot.....but its so pretty...ok this I can do.
4. Turn of the tap when you brush your teeth ....yea I can turn it off...wait I already do...but Garren does not...so I'll work on him.
5. Bring your own shopping bags....this I have already started....just today !!
Now...let's hug the earth together.
Enough said.....go outside...take your kids.....enjoy !!

Well...I finally made an appointment with the ol' MD....nope not the flu...not a sinus infection...not a cold....but allergies....I have never been an allergy person....hi to everyone who already is...I am joining you and boy is it fun. So she gave me this sample...she said over the counter Zyrtec would probably be a little bit better but to try this...now why would she say that....oh ...this sample was FREE....dang right I'll give it a try...I only have to take something when I am feeling crummy not everyday....she also prescribed Nasonex...so we'll see how it goes.

I find this so cute....every time I am taking photos..for etsy..for the blog...for the heck of it...Chloe rushes over with a toy or something and says "Mom...take this...take this"...so today I am posting Chloe's photo subject of the day...she carefully lays them on the floor or table and positions them just right...then says "ok mom...they are ready". She is too cute. Look at that crazy prince....facing the wrong way...Cinderella is over there...he ain't got a clue, but his shadow appears to be figuring it out !!
and now...for those of you who love to see what we bought on together Tuesday....this is the super neat-o reusable shopping bag at target...only .99....I plan on getting one each time I go until I have enough to use each time....ya know sometimes I buy a whole shopping cart full so I will be needing more than one of these babies....Squeeze the earth....hug her real good.

it folds up into this...like a little wallet for easy storage.

Chloe got a boatload of clothes here are some....

and I can not believe my bug loving...dirt pie making...ain't' even watching no princess movie daughter had to have these hot pink..... no doubt glittery sandals.....I quickly bought them before she changed her mind....She wore them to dinner tonight...she is just the perfect combination of soft and hard...quiet and loud....black and white...a real rough tough cream puff.

OK SHELLEY.....at your advice I bought this book today....yep...first time I have EVER cried in target....then yea...again tonight when we read it before bed.....if you have a daughter...you must get this book...it is so special...a fun easy read with sooooo much meaning. Write a nice note in the front to your daughter and she will cherish it forever....so very sweet.

at least 2 of these things tell me we are heading to the beach....very soon...yay !!!!!!!
Don't forget to swing by JaneSays for the Earth Day Promotion...ends tonight !!
Welcome home Crystal !!
have a happy day !!


  1. Oh, you make me laugh! I am totally going to buy that book! It looks precious! What would I do without ya!!?

    Happy Tuesday!!

  2. I AM SOOOO happy that I am not the only nerd who cried at that book!!! I just love it and it's so sweet. What did Chloe think of it? Was she like.."why are you crying??" Oh, so happy...glad you like it.
    And, ew, sorry about those allergies...yucko--i do not get them, but the hubby does...he can't stand it!

  3. Ok, well the book makes me want a little girl...:) Maybe I might sneak and read it anyway? Love the pics of your day...Are you close to a beach? We are close to a creek. :) I wear sunscreen every day..I buy so much of it. I have very fair skin...little Casper the Friendly Ghost...really. And, the boys? Well, they got my skin. Anyway, we wear lots of it..:) So glad you had a great day...


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