Friday, April 25, 2008


A sure sign we are having warmer days...Nana and Chloe are able to play outside every afternoon....Nana lets Chloe get down and dirty just the way Chloe likes nice...these dirty little footsies on my robin's egg blue couch.....sigh..........
Tell me if your husband and other members of your family have this disease....the what the heck is all this crap laying on the steps for syndrome......I lay things that need to go up on the steps....G steps over it....C rearranges it.....its a sad, crippling disease that takes away their ability to take the stairs....wonder if there is a support group I could attend??
From March to September...this is where flip flops hang out and take a rest........
If you are sick to death of my birds...well first shame on you and you may scroll on down....if not.....oh boy...when I got home today...only one little birdy...the timid shy one...the chicken, so to speak....all alone in the big ole nest. Every so often Mommy and Daddy...light down beside him....then fly if to say...come on ya big do it!!

Peer pressure....all the siblings flying around and dad pressuring...all the name calling...should I do it.....oh come on....just jump...surely my wings will work...wont they...
Oh...I just cant....Bless its heart ..... right back to the nest.
45 minutes after this I have a touch of empty nest syndrome......
So....Mommy's big mouth strikes today when we pull in...I see this...we have this neighbor across the street...they have lived there over a year...and they STILL have their garage packed with boxes.....and I mean from wall to wall all the way up to the door. Well...every couple of months or so...I suppose they need something that is tucked away nicely in one of those here goes daddy...he drags it all out....and you see them all going thru boxes.....then they shove it all back anyway...I say..out loud now as we are pulling in "Gosh...there they go dragging all their junk out again...that is such a mess" forward to this evening...we were upstairs getting ready and Chloe is outside on the upstairs front porch that leads out from our bedroom... playing.... while we are getting ready and I hear this...."My mommy said ya'll got all ya'lls junk out again.....its a big mess" I bout' choked on my toothbrush.....hey...its the truth....what do ya do....what do ya say....the dad said "yea....we gotta mess" I second that....and since he agrees I just left it kids kids.... leave it to a kid....too funny !! I patted her on the head "come on honey....let's go to dinner"....we waved as I shut the door.
Speaking of funny...this mess cracks me up...I'll not rant about gas prices....we ALL know they are too high.....this is the part I rant the bottom of my receipt of $70.50 for reminds me to have a nice day.....a nice day would be me spending that money on craft goodies...or a massage...or Old Navy tank tops....or at the antique shop...NOT ON GASOLINE !!! Don't drink and drive....hahahahaha thing is if I was a drinkin' woman.....mind you I am not speaking of the drive part....but the drinkin' is exactly what that total would make me wanna do.......
have a happy day


  1. first of all, I just love your blog!!! I could not live like your neighbors..would drive me CRAZY!!! My kids have shocked and embarrassed me too. I enjoyed your bird story and just giggled thru them. Totally get the empty nest syndrome...pun

  2. Ha! I thought that too - the prices will drive ya to drink!! Ha! The crazy "leave-stuff-on-the-stairs" monster has hit our house too! What to do...what to do...I'm off to browse through your Etsy!!

  3. my family has the same junk on the steps disease. drives me crazy. thing is, i had it when i was young too and i can still hear my mom grumbling about it. what's that old saying - "what goes around comes around". love your blog.

  4. Love love love your sweet blog. Read it daily. You make me smile, April. I'm always giggling with you. The stair thing....totally happens here too. I'm the only one who sees it. =-)


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