Wednesday, February 29, 2012

A 10 Minute Re-Do

Ever walked by a nook of your home and what looked perfectly fine to you yesterday
is today screaming for a change ?
This happens to me fairly often and when it happens I must tackle it
This particular day it was this sweet little teal chest of drawers or chester drawers as I thought it was for
a long long time.
Everything about this area had to go....I stripped the wall and the top of the chest and went exploring
in my home things that I could use.  Move this here...move that know.

After I gathered up plenty of wall goodies and knick knack options....I decided that the chest top needed ones.
Painter's tape, paint and a brush are the only things I needed and you know I had all of that.
Sure I just grabbed acrylic craft paint...yes I probably needed house type paint...but heck paint is paint and 
keep in mind I needed to do this now...there was no time for paint purchasing.

I don't measure, I guess, eye it.
I taped the edges first.

Then the middle which allowed me to get it fairly even.

Then I painted...only one coat.  Didn't want it to look too perfect.  

It just makes me so happy.

I love color and how 10 minutes and a few supplies oh and goodies I already owned 
can change the feel of a whole space.

Move things around.
Paint something on something, change it.
Take your spaces to new places.

Today !!!

Today !!!!!
Vintage Linen Scraps are in the Vintage shop !!!
I have oodles and oodles of them ready to ship.  They are great for all you crafty good times.

Visit JaneSays Vintage and get your bundle before they sell out.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

A little something I have been wanting to do.

For some time now I have wanted multi-colored chairs....well no, not multi-colored chairs
as in chairs painted more than one color.....but maybe I should say multiple colors of chairs 
at my table.

Here are some of the pics that inspire me....maybe one day soon I'll take the plunge.




What do you think.
Tacky ?
Fun ?
A lot of work....yes.

Perhaps a Summer project...gosh knows I love to paint...and that ain't no joke.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Vintage Eye Candy

After hours and hours and maybe a few more hours or ripping, tearing, sorting, folding
and pulling strings...I have a quite large and quite lovely selection of fat quarters
 in JaneSays Vintage NOW !!

I decided to start offering fat quarters for a couple of reasons.
- I wanted to have something to offer quilters and people who just need a small bit of fabric.
- I am slowly running out of room to store whole sheets, fat quarters take up less space.

This fat quarter creation process also lends to some fabulous scraps which will be bundled and for sale
soon too.

Fat quarters are available in singles for $2.25.

Or in random bundles of 10 for $20.00.

Now you go look at all the lovely fat quarters and I will go dust my home.  Have you ever seen the
fine dust ripping 60+ sheets can leave on every surface of your home...ick.

Yes I will still be offering whole sheets too.

Need some vintage sheet inspiration ??

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Instagram Weekly

  1. When the weather is nice all the animals come out to play.
  2. Happy to be on her way to the dentist, she wasn't quite as happy when she left...ha.
  3. Perhaps my favorite type of eating out ... Mexican.
  4. The leftovers of a whole lotta  fat quarter tearing...look for delicious crap packs soon.
  5. Bracelets that Chloe and  I made, finger weaving.  Took a minute to get the hang of it.
  6. Fat quarters.
  7. Makes me went to be cute when I garden.
  8. Magazine Love.
  9. Another kinda creepy dolly.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

iPhone Treats

I have iPhone Treats for you.
Save one or both of these images to your computer.
Get them to you iPhone however you like to do that, I email them and then get them from 
my email.
Use them for wallpaper for your home and/or lock screen.
Enjoy !!!
(For personal use ONLY)

Enjoy !!

A Cute Stool Just Got Cuter

This was a knock old ladies down to get to it item for me on my weekly thrifting jaunt.
This baby was $1. Get out....serious.
Perfect color for my home, perfect happy happy yellow.

Got it home, yes the color is prefecto.....but it needed something.......

If you ask me, you can paint a red heart on just about anything and bump it's cuteness up by a lot.
I coated this with a clear acrylic coat after the heart dried, because let's face it.....we  know someone's
tiny hiney will be sitting on from time to time and I was afraid the heart may crack and come off because that
little woven seat is old and brittle.  That may not help either I may just have to ban the tiny hiney.

Can't decide just where to put it.
Here is cute, but I dunno......

I'll keep trying it here and there until I'm happy and the weenie will supervise it all .....  rest assured.
Does your doggie follow you around when you are working around the house ?  Obviously mine does.
Maybe one day I'll do a post hour by hour..where's the weenie ??  Odds are ... under my feet.

Love my stool.
Love my dog.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

I'm Late....but you still have time. Hurry !!

ok, I'll be quick so you can get right on this.
See that Be-You-Te-Ful "canvas" above ?
Well it was $10 !!!!

Want to know how to get your very own ??

I look at canvases all the time online and I always back out because let's face it, they are
not cheap and then the shipping adds to that and I change my walls way too much to spend that kind of money.
So when I stumbled across a coupon for half off Wal-Mart's FAUX CANVAS, I had
to check it out.

Yep.  They are fake or faux if you're fancy.
They take your photo and wrap it just like a gallery wrap canvas, but it's on cardboard.
They look amazing !!!  I am completely happy in every way and in the end I got 8 canvases for $80 and some change.
Here are some more photos of the details so you can see...they are really well done.

See, nice huh ?
They make great gifts too stock up now for Christmas.
Alright, so go online to the Wal-Mart Photo Center.  This link takes you straight to the page with
the canvases.
Oh and the coupon is for 11 x 14 and 12 x 12 only.
Here is a link to the coupon page, you want the $10 off faux canvas one.  Print as many coupons as you want will need a coupon for each canvas.

Do each canvas as a separate order so you can then pay for each separately and thus use a coupon for each.  My Wal-Mart let me get them all at one time.

When you checkout choose that you will pay at the time of pick-up.

The coupon ends February 29 so you have plenty of time if you get busy. They have them ready for pick-up the same or next day.

I just LOVE my faux canvases.
Now I have to go so I can order more.

Enjoy !!!

Monday, February 20, 2012

A New Breed of Hoop Art

I am always looking for something easy and cute that I can make to liven up
nooks of my home.
This is a fun twist on hoop art.  
I do love some hoop art.

Gather a hoop or hoops, I could not stop with just one.
Some wood grain contact paper, I got mine at The Dollar Tree.
You will need some fabric, some paint  and a 1.5 inch wide paint brush.
I used white fabric because I wanted my
paint to show up and really be the only color in the project.
After you see what's up you can choose for yourself.

I am skipping a lot of the unnecessary filler here as far as photos of each step goes.
Put your fabric in your hoop.
Cut around the edge leaving about 3/4 inch  so you can glue it on the inside of the hoop, which keeps it
from showing.
Take the paint brush and dip it lightly in the paint.
Now, I wanted my paint to have the appearance of wood grain so I lightly brushed my paint onto the
fabric in a light sweeping motion. (see above)
Yes some paint got on the hoop in areas, that was fine with me you can choose for yourself to avoid that or not.

After the paint dries which does not take long.
Trace your desired image on the backside of your contact paper and cut it out.
Peel off the backing.
Carefully place your image on your fabric, try not to stick and restick, this will not turn out good. Promise.
Turn your hoop over and press your image from the underside.

You can now hot glue the edge of the fabric around to the underside of your hoop all the way around.
Tie a cute ribbon at the top if you like.
Easy Peasy !!

I made a weenie dog in a small hoop, which is our family mascot according to me.

Cute little bugger isn't he ?

I also did an H, I like still love initials even though they have been around for quite a while.
This one I did in a very large hoop.

Have Fun !!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Instagram Weekly

  1. Growing up, shopping for music on iTunes.
  2. The dog is as bad as the kid.
  3. Poms.
  4. My favorite restaurant puts my name on my cup when I get takeout.
  5. Chloe's newest obsession.
  6. Valentine's Day Treat.....chocolate cobbler.
  7. I had enough Best Buy Reward Points to get  Just Dance 3 for the Wii.  We dance...A LOT.
  8. Daisy's Valentine Card to you all.
  9. I glue toys....daily.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

A Pinterest Do

Chloe loves, and I mean LOVES the olive oil laced with spices at Carrabba's that you dip your 
bread in.
I knew it had to be on the Valentine's Day menu this year.

I saw a recipe for just this dish on where ???
Say it with me.....

There is quite a lengthy list of ingredients.
Most you should have,  but you will more than likely have to buy a few (recipe below).
It was super super simple to create.
I made it way ahead and put it in a dish and stuck it in the fridge.

At first sniff it didn't smell anything like Carrabba's.....there was an overbearing strong smell of
parsley, but I left the house to pick up Chloe and when I joke....the house
smelled like Carrabba's.
This made me excited for Chloe to taste this stuff.

It was in one word delicious.
I could have made a dinner of it.
So so good.  

We devoured ....  oh 3 or 4 dishes of it.
I had a french loaf for the dipping and if you have ate this at Carrabba's you know their bread has a very
crunchy crust which I like.
Well my french loaf was I wet your hands in the water and rub it on your bread.
Then..pop it in the oven on the rack at 350 for 5-7 will crust up nicely !!!

Here is the recipe
It makes 1/4 cup, I doubled it just so we would have plenty.

2 tbsp. chopped Italian flat leaf parsley
1 tbsp. minced garlic
1 tsp. dried thyme
1 tsp. dried oregano
1/4 tsp. dried basil (or 1 tbsp. fresh-if using fresh reduce parsley to 1 tbsp.)
1/8 tsp. dried rosemary (or 1/2 tsp. fresh)
1 tsp ground black pepper
1/2 tsp. kosher salt
1/8 tsp. ground red pepper (or 1/4 tsp. red pepper flakes)
1/2 tsp. extra virgin olive oil
1/8 tsp. fresh lemon juice
Place all ingredients except olive oil & lemon in a blender or food processor and chop until all ingredients are similar in size. Stir in the olive oil & lemon juice.
For Serving:
In a small dish, place 1 1/2 tsp. spice mixture. Pour 3-4 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil over top of the spice mixture. Serve with french bread for dipping.

Enjoy !!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Instagram Weekly

  1. The moss that grows on my parents terrace...lush and lovely growing through all the bricks.
  2. I LOVE peanuts.
  3. Sometimes at the lake there are 2 suns.
  4. The hardest thing about working with vintage fabric is actually cutting into it.
  5. I have been looking and looking for a fish dish.  I scored one at the thrift shop last week, it's lovely.  I made salmon patties this week just so I could use my dish.
  6. Dolls.
  7. iPhone wallpaper.  Made by me.
  8. My Daisy.
  9. Beggars.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Something For You

I made you something.

Please enjoy this iPhone wallpaper of February from my sweet little vintage bird calendar.

Save this photo to your computer by right clicking
and choosing Save Picture As.
Email it to yourself.
Open your email on your iPhone and
save it on your iPhone photos.
Then set it as your home screen wallpaper or lock screen wallpaper or both.

I am sure there are several ways to get the photo to your iPhone this is the way I did it.


Enjoy !!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Craft Block

Do you ever have a crafty project in your head and after you get out all the supplies,
grab a drink and a snack, sit down to create and a here comes a craft BLOCK sure as the world.
BAM, out of nowhere.
The craft you had in mind suddenly seems like a waste of time and supplies.

That happened today with this round plaque.
It's so discouraging.
I just wanted to create a cute lil' something to hang somewhere.

I painted it teal and green.
Why ?
Because I like teal and green.
After I painted it I stared at it.
And stared at it.
And went and made 2 pillows for the shop and came back and stared at it some more.

Glitter was not what I had in mind.
Red was not what I had in mind.

A heart was not what I had in mind.
It just happened.
I have no clue where I am hanging a round plaque with a red glitter heart on it.
I think it needs something else.
Maybe the word LOVE  or the words LOVE TO READ cut from a vintage dictionary.
I still have to seal it so maybe I'll add some text.

I like vintage text.
I hate craft block.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Buffalo Chicken Sammich --- Get your Crock Pot Baby

Not my photo. Photo credit to My Kitchen Apron.

Buffalo Chicken Sammich .... and it's a crock pot recipe....yes !!!

This recipe is a complete Pinterest Do.

4-5 Chicken Breasts
A Bottle of Frank's Wing Sauce
1 Packet of Ranch Dip Mix
2 Tbsp of Butter

Put chicken, wing sauce and ranch mix in to crock pot.
Cook on low 6-7 hours.
Take the chicken out, shred and return to crock pot with the butter for 1 more hour to let the chicken really soak up the buffalo sauce.

To make the sammies
I used sourdough bread and broiled it on both sides.
I put the chicken on one side of the bread added mozzarella cheese and put it back under the broiler
just long enough to melt the cheese.
Then we added some blue cheese dressing..

I swear to you this is a yummy yummy sammich.
The leftover chicken heats up great too.
We got 2 dinners and the hubby got one lunch out of this one batch.

I think you could easily use less or really  no butter, I may try that next time.

Here is a link to the site where I got the recipe.

Enjoy !!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Instagram Weekly

  1. LOVE
  2. I had the BEST french toast for breakfast.
  3. I chose Hunger Games.
  4. Best friends.
  5. Dill Cashews. Good.
  6. Friday.
  7. February Photo A Day Challenge.  Join Me.
  8. Chloe is on a Squinkie trip right now.
  9. Pillows.