Wednesday, February 29, 2012

A 10 Minute Re-Do

Ever walked by a nook of your home and what looked perfectly fine to you yesterday
is today screaming for a change ?
This happens to me fairly often and when it happens I must tackle it
This particular day it was this sweet little teal chest of drawers or chester drawers as I thought it was for
a long long time.
Everything about this area had to go....I stripped the wall and the top of the chest and went exploring
in my home things that I could use.  Move this here...move that know.

After I gathered up plenty of wall goodies and knick knack options....I decided that the chest top needed ones.
Painter's tape, paint and a brush are the only things I needed and you know I had all of that.
Sure I just grabbed acrylic craft paint...yes I probably needed house type paint...but heck paint is paint and 
keep in mind I needed to do this now...there was no time for paint purchasing.

I don't measure, I guess, eye it.
I taped the edges first.

Then the middle which allowed me to get it fairly even.

Then I painted...only one coat.  Didn't want it to look too perfect.  

It just makes me so happy.

I love color and how 10 minutes and a few supplies oh and goodies I already owned 
can change the feel of a whole space.

Move things around.
Paint something on something, change it.
Take your spaces to new places.

1 comment:

Tell me whatcha think...pretty please.