Thursday, February 23, 2012

A Cute Stool Just Got Cuter

This was a knock old ladies down to get to it item for me on my weekly thrifting jaunt.
This baby was $1. Get out....serious.
Perfect color for my home, perfect happy happy yellow.

Got it home, yes the color is prefecto.....but it needed something.......

If you ask me, you can paint a red heart on just about anything and bump it's cuteness up by a lot.
I coated this with a clear acrylic coat after the heart dried, because let's face it.....we  know someone's
tiny hiney will be sitting on from time to time and I was afraid the heart may crack and come off because that
little woven seat is old and brittle.  That may not help either I may just have to ban the tiny hiney.

Can't decide just where to put it.
Here is cute, but I dunno......

I'll keep trying it here and there until I'm happy and the weenie will supervise it all .....  rest assured.
Does your doggie follow you around when you are working around the house ?  Obviously mine does.
Maybe one day I'll do a post hour by hour..where's the weenie ??  Odds are ... under my feet.

Love my stool.
Love my dog.


  1. Yup... it needed that heart just like bread and buttah.

  2. I'm jealous, I LOVE that stool with your sweet awesome heart:)
    We have two dobermans and one lab.
    Our boy doberman literally has lap-dog syndrome. If we did a picture an hour for the day, he too would be right on our toes.....all 90lbs of him!


Tell me whatcha think...pretty please.