Saturday, May 31, 2008

Chloe's Day

Thanks to all of you who have sent your well wishes to Chloe....she is not completely better yet...but MUCH better we celebrated all day...she has had a rough week....bless her heart.

Breakfast at Panera least for her...we picked up her favorite a chocolate muffie then G and I went to Chick-Fil-A....we can only eat so many bagels for crying out loud. Then we went yard sale goodies was a complete bust.

A trip over to Paw Paw's lake house for a little fishing....always good for ya

my pole....waiting...Cutie-pa-tootie .....waiting
still waiting...only one nibble today....Not one fish...but lots of fun !!
Thrift store find....a 2.00 fire truck Chloe had to have it and we did not say no was her day. It's truly a great beeps and has a working siren and a winch on the back....she loves worth 2.00.

Do you know this bird ?? he repeats everything you say....not once...but twice. I let her take it to dinner.....yea to dinner....remember I did not say no today.

We ate at Cracker Barrell tonight with my family for my dad's birthday....she talked my uncle Johnny into buying this for her.....another great toy....pull the trigger and you have millions of bubbles...everywhere.
and tonight....we are watching Grease 2. We sit on the couch for the speaking parts and when the songs come on...we dance our pants off. I love watching her...mesmerized and copying the dance moves step for step and singing word for word and showing emotions matching the characters......I Love This Kid !!!!

have a happy day

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Blech !!

Sorry no post today my little peanut is sick....the funk has struck us yet again....hope to be back soon....we are exhausted.

have a happy day

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Be Still

Waiting in line today to pick up Chloe from her next to last day of preschool....reading the newspaper...listening to the rain on the roof of my car....just an ordinary day...the cars slowly inch up...I love watching the kiddos walk to their cars....each one striving to be so independent....with their little book bags.

As I stop to let Chloe climb in...her teacher hands me a plastic zip-loc baggie...inside is the purple pants and matching top that I sent at the beginning of the year for Chloe's extra outfit. I had forgotten about the outfit, it is just some cheap cotton knit that I didn't mind leaving at school and Chloe getting zero wear out of...because Yay ~!!!!! not one accident all year...what a big girl.

and that was just it....the outfit hit me like a ton of bricks this pile of purple cotton swirling around me like a cold wind. Another year gone by. She is a big girl. Only one more year of preschool....and it too will be gone in a flash. I start hot flashing...feelings of pride, sadness, guilt, doubt, happiness and mostly love swallow me. I wish more than anything that for just a bit we could be still, she and I.....and soak each other up....time is outta here and we don't get any of it back.

So as I imagined the outfit does not even fit her just 9 short months.

Unlike all the other outfits that she outgrows this one will not be sold or given away or will stay in my drawer as a reminder that we need to Be Still every now and then.

have a happy day.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

So...I worked today...

Sorry.... no Together Tuesday...I substituted today for yesterday so we could all be together seeing as hubby was off for Memorial Day...I was not Paw Paw just does not like to close up the store at all....I mean heck...somebody could need a nail....or a board for pete's sake. stories....but we'll be back next week...promise....however I do have some fun stuff to share.... I am just way too happy with this large custom handmade button order for much color and I love to hold them in my hand.
oooh I am so giddy...I love love love opening the mailbox and finding these.....
thank you know I love me some trim and lace and ric rac and are so sweet.
If you read Tiddlywinks already know about this...and if you have been reading my blog you understand it even peanut Chloe ..... well let's just say...she loves her some rollie Scottie sent her this goodie......What a HIT....5 minutes after opening it...
we have 2 occupants....and food and water...Chloe is captivated. We learned that they like a damp, dimly lit or dark area....and that we can feed them leaves, apples or carrots and even potatoes....this evening they are dining on leaves and carrots.
She has named them Beeko and Beepo....thank you Amy and Scottie for being so sweet and thoughtful.....I have made some TRULY wonderful are both a treasure !!
have a happy day

Monday, May 26, 2008

You Might Wanna Pack a Lunch For This One

I am warning you ...this is a super long...picture heavy post....we spent the entire day at Dan Nicholas Park...and this place is just packed with things to do..... I know you have all been to a park before and have probably seen everything I have to show you...but you love my blog right? humor me and relive our day.......first things first though

tall posie kitchen towels......very sweet...this one belongs to me....but I will be making more
I made oodles and oodles of the pleated blossoms this appearing in the shop in twos....get yours before they are gone.....a scrapbooking must.
Thank you again Crystal for the cupcake making goodies...."we" had a blast....and then "I" cleaned up the kitchen....which does include licking the beaters...Yummy !!
Upon arriving at the park....Chloe decided we would visit the Aquarium first....she was not impressed... it consisted of a few bass....a few catfish...and a crappie or salt water goodness. Oh well....on to the carousel...can't go wrong there. Is there anything more magical than a carousel?
pretty pretty...
each and every detail...and the tinkling for any age....but not for the motion sick...G sat this out.
Next a good ole' fashioned train ride...Chloe and I had much fun...G however ate his knees the whole time.

Mmmmm...Cheerwine of my favorite soft drinks.
we went thru 2 tunnels....and both had creepy little scenes in them...behind dirty foggy glass...I don't like this kind of stuff.
just like a roller coaster....I like the back.
creepy circus tunnel...this was the least creepy of all the stuff in here....
time for animals... I am not crazy about caged animals....but here we go anyway

This was a big regal.
we had to make a pit stop to let the hot and bothered peanut let off some steam....nothing like a good climb to calm the nerves....
she would not go anywhere near this one...
Chloe is super into how a butterfly develops....however not so much with this sign explaining every detail.
this bear breaks my heart...he has been here a long time...and every time we see him....he just paces back and forth...back and forth....

big chicken....
cutie-pa-tootie groundhog...aka woodchuck....we see these a lot around our area...I love when they stand on their hind legs and look around...
putting on a show for us....diving in his hole and running out real fast.....only to dive back in.
lunch time...peanut butter sammie and goldfish...under a big shade tree.
swan paddleboat....

Tuck from the Wonder Pets.
view off the bridge...
careful walking under all these birdhouses....
the Super Mega...Out of this World Playground....looks like every kids dream huh?
yea....Chloe stayed on this thing.....go figure...?
have a happy day

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Taking a Break....

Today we all took a break...

We picked up the peanut from her grandparents
Made cupcakes
Visited the playground and lake
Grilled hamburgers
Went out for ice cream
Planned our day trip to a park tomorrow

If we don't love doing it....we didn't do it today. was for fun only.

enjoy your family
have a happy day

Saturday, May 24, 2008


What is sweet....colorful...has 8 feet and comes from Virgina ?? You will have the whole Saturday post to ponder that..... the answer is at the very bottom.
Sweet birdy hand towel....just flew into JaneSays today....a bunch all dolled up with flowers coming soon !!!(hopefully) refreshing does this look we WILL be having these this Summer at Panera Bread. Garage Sale goodies....puzzles, Chloe is so good with puzzles...I always enjoyed them too. At this particular garage sale they had some really vintage toys...remember Mr. Mouth and Colorforms?
we always get some books.
Mickey Mouse Memory...what a find.

Gotta get school ready...Chloe has only 1 more year of preschool...then ...oh gosh...I cant talk about it.
Buggy bingo...could not hurt to review the numbers real good too.
another great spent $7.00...... Yay !!!!!!Thank you CRYSTAL for the goodie package.....its sweet...its has 8 feet...and its from the SWEETEST PERSON in Virgina. would not hurt my feelings a bit if this doll baby moved right next door to me......I love this chic.
Ahhhhhh....a cupcake in a jar.....G had to dig in first....that's what I get for having to photograph everything real quick, oh the life of a blogger.....we ate only half because we have a date night to night and we are having uninterrupted big people's dinner...Woooo was DELISH...I love the cookies in the middle. We will finish this tonight....and then since we are home baby...she is with the grandparents.....we are gonna........

SLEEP !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh yes we are......we can't wait !! Can I get an AMEN moms ??

have a happy day