Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Be Still

Waiting in line today to pick up Chloe from her next to last day of preschool....reading the newspaper...listening to the rain on the roof of my car....just an ordinary day...the cars slowly inch up...I love watching the kiddos walk to their cars....each one striving to be so independent....with their little book bags.

As I stop to let Chloe climb in...her teacher hands me a plastic zip-loc baggie...inside is the purple pants and matching top that I sent at the beginning of the year for Chloe's extra outfit. I had forgotten about the outfit, it is just some cheap cotton knit that I didn't mind leaving at school and Chloe getting zero wear out of...because Yay ~!!!!! not one accident all year...what a big girl.

and that was just it....the outfit hit me like a ton of bricks this pile of purple cotton swirling around me like a cold wind. Another year gone by. She is a big girl. Only one more year of preschool....and it too will be gone in a flash. I start hot flashing...feelings of pride, sadness, guilt, doubt, happiness and mostly love swallow me. I wish more than anything that for just a bit we could be still, she and I.....and soak each other up....time is outta here and we don't get any of it back.

So as I imagined the outfit does not even fit her just 9 short months.

Unlike all the other outfits that she outgrows this one will not be sold or given away or will stay in my drawer as a reminder that we need to Be Still every now and then.

have a happy day.


  1. so that totally almost made me cry. Babies growing so fast.

  2. I know exactly what you are feeling. My son just graduated 8th grade, it seems like yesterday that he started preschool. All we can do is just enjoy every moment that we can.


  3. Hi, April. I know exactly how you feel. My little guy just finished his first year of preschool, and it makes me proud and sad at the same time. We need to cherish each day with our kids, don't we?

    Have a great day!

  4. So that brought tears to my eyes...My little guy will start his first year of preschool this year and I am dreading every second of it! In fact, I cried when I enrolled him...the office staff had to go get me a kleenex!! But no matter how hard it is for me to send him off, I KNOW he is ready to spread those little wings of his and fly!! However, in case you are wondering I will be the mom sitting in the parking lot balling my eyes out for his first month of school!!

  5. in the moments like that when we are made to "be still" it hits me too! our precious little punkins are growing!
    Campbell will be in first grade in the fall... it can't be real! :)

    what a great post! time to go hug the little critters! :)

  6. Ahhhh.... Very well said/written. How I do wish we could be still more often. Thanks for the reminder. You should print your post to keep with the outfit. Chloe would love to read it someday. =-) xoxoxoxo

  7. *sniff* *sniff*--thanks alot for making me weep like a baby!! SO so sweet...

  8. oh, where does the time go?
    My boys just finished 2nd grade and pre-k today, and it goes too fast, doesn't it?

  9. wow - what a great post. i need to stop and observe more often...


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