Tuesday, May 27, 2008

So...I worked today...

Sorry.... no Together Tuesday...I substituted today for yesterday so we could all be together seeing as hubby was off for Memorial Day...I was not Paw Paw just does not like to close up the store at all....I mean heck...somebody could need a nail....or a board for pete's sake. So...no shopping...no stories....but we'll be back next week...promise....however I do have some fun stuff to share.... I am just way too happy with this large custom handmade button order for Tiddlywinks....so much color and I love to hold them in my hand.
oooh I am so giddy...I love love love opening the mailbox and finding these.....
thank you Amy.....you know I love me some trim and lace and ric rac and such....you are so sweet.
If you read Tiddlywinks blog...you already know about this...and if you have been reading my blog you understand it even more...my peanut Chloe ..... well let's just say...she loves her some rollie pollies.....so Scottie sent her this goodie......What a HIT....5 minutes after opening it...
we have 2 occupants....and food and water...Chloe is captivated. We learned that they like a damp, dimly lit or dark area....and that we can feed them leaves, apples or carrots and even potatoes....this evening they are dining on leaves and carrots.
She has named them Beeko and Beepo....thank you Amy and Scottie for being so sweet and thoughtful.....I have made some TRULY wonderful friends.....you are both a treasure !!
have a happy day


  1. I just love that Rolie Polie playground! What a fun idea:)

  2. That is hilarious! I have never heard of a play land for Chloe's babies!! So cute!!

  3. those buttons look soo tasty! LOve the colors!


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