but you still have time to create this adorable valentine.
It's so simple.
I saw this tutorial several places...can't recall where
if you know tell me and I'll give proper credit.
ok...so here's my way
bribe your child into posing
with their hand out in an fist like they are holding....well...a big sucker.
This can go on for many many minutes unless you bribe well...so be creative.
Chloe got to go straight to the Wii when she was done.
Maybe for your kid it's a cookie...maybe a trip to the Dairy Queen.....perhaps $20
whatever will do.......you will be so glad you gave in to their wants, these valentines are so stinkin' cute.
Add some text...perhaps a cute border.
If you have zero skills this is still very doable...just print your photo, you can write a simple to and from on the back no need to stress yourself over the fancy stuff.
I made mine a 2x3 ish so I could print 2 on a 4x6 sheet of photo paper.
Next cut each valentine out.
The stick goes behind the hand....like so.
Now tell me that is not so cute.
Counting the photo session these took less than 30 minutes.
Well truth be known I am tickled, Chloe would have been completely ok with My Little Pony, Super Mario, or those 3-D googley eyed animal valentines.
Valentine card photo session out-takes.
So cute! I did these too for my first grader to give to his classmates. I saw a friend feature it on her blog and she linked back to another gal and I think that gal linked back to another gal...and so it goes! It is a stinkin cute idea though...I still need to pick my photos up from Costco and put them together..nothing like the last minute!
i wish i would have seen these earlier...Well theres always next year... Thanks for the cute tutorial...
She is priceless, and I LOVE that last photo! Your cards are so great. There's nothing like handmade I tell you. Just precious, these are!
What a super duper cute idea! She no doubt had the best cards in class!!
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