Tuesday, December 16, 2008

A Peeler I Am Not

Several nights ago I was peeling potatoes for
hamburger steaks and fried potatoes...Yummmm.
When it occurred to me as it always does...
I can't peel a potato to save my life. My mom....peels a potato in one long curly-cue......the pile of them lying there
is next to pretty.
No matter how hard I try...nor how sharp the knife...I just can't do it.

Can you peel a potato in one nice long spiral ??
....go ahead...rub it in....I'm allowing you to

Hope your Holiday planning is coming right along........

All Christmas stuff at JaneSays is half off.....get it while it's there.
have a happy day
Pin It!


Holly said...

Ah...no. You're not alone.

Hope you are well, sweet April. Merry Christmas!

Just Me said...

no, i cant peel for crap....potato, apple, pear...nope. you're not alone, good to know huh?

Tracy said...

I have to use a potato peeler; can't do it with a knife!

Anonymous said...

I suck with the knife and peeler. My knives aren't sharp enough and my peeler is the crappy one from the dollar store so this could be why.

Peeling vegetables is such a chore!

Anonymous said...

Try a Pampered Chef potato peeler, always sharp, always a thin peel, and so easy. (I don't sell Pampered Chef but bought one at a friend's party and wonder now how I survived without it)I have had several others and got rid of them when I bought this beauty. Great for peeling the little one's apples too.

Thelma-Art said...

I love potatoes with skin. The skin is full of fiber and the flavor is tasty. Merry Christmas.

Gini said...

funny post. I always peel too much potato with the skin, so my medium sized potato ends up being a small potato. My mother in law was standing next to me while I was peeling them for Christmas dinner and I winced everytime I peeled too much off. She's a better peeler than I am....