Sunday, March 11, 2012

Vintage Sheet Wrapped Frame -- A Tutorial

I have tons and tons of vintage sheet strips left over from all that fat quarter cutting.  Now what to do with
all those strips.
I have several projects that I will share with you soon the first of which is
Vintage Sheet Wrapped Frames.

I always pick up nice frames at the thrift store and hold onto then until a mood strikes me.
Gather a frame any size, it does not matter unless you  already know what you want to use it with, then you may need a certain size..
You will also need scissors, glue and strips of vintage sheets or fabric.
I have lots and lots of vintage sheet strips right now if you would like to purchase some for this project, let me know.

ok rewind, back up, edit.
I decided after photographing supplies to attach a wire on my frame.
Just wrap it around and twist it tight it will be covered by the sheets so don't worry about how it looks.

Glue the end of a strip onto your frame, on the back or side, not on the front.
Give it a few seconds to stick and then wrap and wrap, keeping it tight. 
I wanted my frame to look sort of patchworky so I switched my pattern often you can do yours however you
like of course.

When you get to a corner be sure to put glue at the corner. 
Why ?
The sheet wants to slip to either side at the corner so the glue holds it in place so you can get a clean corner.
Keep wrapping until you are done.

I love this project.
I will make more.

A few things.

My frame had enough lip on the back that it just hung on a nail beautifully, you may have to devise a way for yours to hang.
Also if you wanted to still use the frame in the traditional way putting a photo or print in it, because you have wrapped fabric around it, you will have covered the ledge the glass, print and backing lie in so you will have to improvise, but in crafting, improvising comes natural....right ?

If you stink at improvising,  I would suggest using it as I have OR hanging it around something, you know like a letter, number, other framed piece or postcard or other ephemera tacked to your wall, that would be cute too.

I will be leaning mine on my mantle, I like it there.
I like that I can easily change out the postcard too.

More vintage sheet strips projects coming soon.


  1. Great idea! I really love that mint green tray too- such good color. I pinned the vintage china hooks and think I might try it. Thanks for all the ideas! You have very clean photos- lovely.

  2. I love this idea, it's so pretty and charming and can really look different depending on what fabrics you use. Thanks for the inspiration!

  3. I am adding this to my to do list. Thanks for the great idea.

  4. ♥love♥ ♥love♥ ♥love♥ ♥love♥ ♥love♥ ♥love♥ ♥love♥ ♥love♥

  5. Love the frame! What a smart idea and it serves as a perfect pop of color, which I am all about :) Do you mind if I feature/link back to you on my blog?


Tell me whatcha think...pretty please.