Saturday, March 10, 2012

Instagram Weekly

  1. This my friends is a weenie dog nest...Spring is coming and the creatures are building their nests...right ?
  2. Ha....the March 10th photo of the day was was late and all day long I had encountered nothing loud to photograph....when we arrived home from dinner it hit me...Lei Lei is very loud when she is ready to get out of her I rushed upstairs and before I released the beast I made her pose.
  3. I have a buddy, that I just recently found out thinks dolls are ... well....creepy.  So now when I see them I think of her.  I  personally think this doll is atrocious, I photo'd it strictly for her
  4. Lemon Filled.
  5. A Do-Nut picnic after school on Friday for yet another stellar week out of my child.
  6. Stunning.
  7. Peanut Butter at bedtime the only place to put the spoon, on the nightstand.
  8. Adorable.  I asked Mr. JaneSays if I could get eyelashes for my car, you can imagine what he said.
  9. Pretty trash.

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