Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Cutie-Pa-Tootie Giveaway

It's very hard for me to say no to sweet people
when the sweet Rebecca of Beca Runs wanted to know if I wanted to give away a birdcage
the answer was most definitely YES !!!
Rebecca is a BUSY mom....a home-schooling mom (wow !!) and a military wife.
Crafting is her passion and as you will see when you visit her shop...she dabbles in the vintage too....LOVE that !!! (some very cute vintage playing cards in there)
This giveaway birdcage is one of her newest creations and to get the ball rolling she wants to give one to YOU !!!
This would be so cute as a centerpiece....or hanging in a corner......adorable in a nursery......oh just yummy !
What a lovely Mother's Day gift can send it straight to mom !!!
So...visit Rebecca's blog....and say hello.
Then go to her shop Beca Runs and come back here and tell me what you love in her sweet little shop. That is good for one entry.
Then...if you want to make a purchase.....come back AGAIN and tell me what you got....every purchase is good for 2 entries.
The giveaway will run for one next week this time...I'll announce the lucky chic...or dude.

Best of luck !!!!!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


do you ever get the urge to just hang
upside down from a tree branch

I love my wild and fancy free kid

Sunday, April 25, 2010

The HOUSE for a short time I became the HOUSE
you know....the HOUSE....the house where the KIDS hang at
I have always fantasized about being the HOUSE when Chloe becomes a teenager
always having the snacks and movies at hand
being able to keep my eyes and ears on Chloe and her friends
I have never really wanted to be the HOUSE while she is five...young....rowdy....crazy
It's a LOT of the reason I only have one kid....I am not made for more....serious ... I'm not
while I was in painting clothes
you know...splattered shorts
splothcy tank top
no bra...oh the horror
I became the HOUSE
up the stairs where mind you I have a tray of paint and a ladder
come one....two....three....FOUR KIDS
what the WHAT !!!??!!?!?
3 girls 1 lone boy
They played cars...for 35 seconds
they watched Enchanted for 80 seconds
they tore out the play-doh ALL of it...and played for 2 minutes
one of them went outside to bounce ball with G for 4 minutes
3 of them went back in the playroom and
drug out all the stuffed animals.....taking approx 2 minutes
they snacked on goldfish for 35 seconds
they were loud....and dirty.....and arguing....and freaking me out running around the paint...and oh with the goldfish on Chloe's bed....arghhhh crumbs....
If I promise to be the HOUSE in 10 years....will you all leave me alone.....right now...please....
grow up and come back later
haha......if you are the HOUSE for young children....high go momma
cause it wore me out

Saturday, April 24, 2010

great day to wash a horse...or four

It was no surprise to me when I brought home
a little collection of vintage horses a few days ago
that Chloe would beg me to keep
them as her very own
you may recall the vintage deer event
this past Christmas
it's an event I have grown accustomed to I of course can't tell her no
I adore her LOVE for all things vintage
she knows the routine
the horsies are gonna need a bath
and today was the perfect day

to wash a horse or four
first in line
Trixie who loves quiet nights and reading by the fire
she is a Leo looking for greener pastures
do you know of any ?
the lovely Firestar
she is a bleached blond but don't ever bring it up
she can get quite touchy
you wouldn't like her when she's angry
she loves long walks on the beach and eating cashews (hey me too....the cashew part)
Little Oats
a daring young lady with a zest for life
Little Oats chases butterflies and frolics with the sheep all day long
she is fun-loving and has a secret addiction to chocolate covered strawberries
the name says it all
this is the big man on campus
he spends his weekends playing chess and throwing darts
and playing as if he doesn't even notice the ladies
he's a true sportsman and the ladies love him in spite of his arrogance
while the bathing fun ensued
I snacked on my cashews and Pepsi
enjoyed the sun
and once again tried to educate myself on my camera
Automatic is for scaredy cats...right?
I will do it.....eventually
and I do believe that gang of
fresh smelling horses will be great subjects for some practice photography
from the sound of it....a few of them may be needing photos for online dating sites....soon
Alllikaye's Mom.....yes you me with your have won the darling Prayers for Little and Ms. Allikaye will adore it.
It could not be goin' to a sweeter little girlie !!

Friday, April 23, 2010

and I said Whooooaaaa......

2 girls
a wad of gum

happy lil' story
click below video is on the right side

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Cows Breath is Bad for the EARTH

Earth Day is upon us
Chloe's class is learning about caring for the Earth this week

For the celebration I whipped up this cutie-pa-tootie Earth Day shirt today
for Chloe to wear tomorrow
for Chloe truly does LOVE the Earth
not so much in a save the planet type of way
more in a love of dirt
love of birds
love of caterpillars and worms
love of swinging on tree branches kind of way
She is learning lots of Save the Planet tid bits at school this week
She brought all and I mean ALL of her lunch trash home today ... she says she is recycling
then immediately wanted to dig thru the trash can when she got home so she could make a doll to take for show and tell tomorrow ..... I promptly told her I didn't think there was a thing in the trash can to make a doll from...ick
I was ordered to turn off all the lights to save the polar bears
and at bedtime tonight I was informed that cow breath is bad for the Earth....I swear I thought it was their poots....silly me.

hug the Earth tomorrow.....then do it everyday after that

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Nothing like the word giveaway to bring the readers
welcome to all of you...regulars....peepers....and those of you who googled giveaway or freebie.
I have a sweet little giveaway for you today
Prayers for Little ChildrenThis is a darling little sweet.
In wonderful vintage condition...there is a name wrote on the inside...but I do indeed think that adds to the charm....its makes me wonder who little Delbert Lewis was....and who gave him this book?
Did he love it...or was it the one that never made it off the bookshelf.

To win this little nugget you simply have to leave a comment telling me your favorite book from your childhood...if you cant remember the title...tell me what you remember about the book or about reading it. That's simple.

I will pick a winner on Saturday...sometime...more than likely after we play outside all day and grill some chicken and shrimp.

want more???
visit here tomorrow for a JaneSays Vintage giveaway.......and
Meg is having giveaways all on whatever on the right side....don't miss these goodies.

thanks and best of luck

Monday, April 19, 2010


I am tweaking the may look a little wonky for a bit....I promise to spruce it up quickly so you don't have to look at all the clashing colors.

I am dreading my yearly physical that is still 2 weeks away....I hate those.

I am worrying about Chloe at school with a tooth so loose it wags when she breathes....I pulled her first one with no drama....and now.....she has a COW each and every time I go near this let's pray she does not have it for lunch....oh geeez.

I am hoping someone visits JaneSays and purchases everything....I have new ideas and new goodies...and I just don't want the shop any form a nice line at the door and shop til you drop ladies....and perhaps if you tell me you read this I'll give you 25% off...(can not be used with any other offers of course....must be used this week.)

I realize I need a pedicure and I refuse to pay for those......It's Monday...Dancing with the Stars to file and clip to...perfect...and Maks (swoooon)

I'm excited......the hubs has been laid off for nearly a year now...his company voted in a new contract last night...and it looks very promising that he will be called back soon....Praise God.

I'm wondering if you watched Saturday Night Live this weekend...and if you saw the Shake Weight commercial spoof....that is such an odd little workout tool ....I shall pass....but the commercial is funny....and a tad bit adult...don't' let the little ones be over your shoulder.

I am so glad to see the SUN's becoming a regular fixture....nice.

I have to go buy new phones for my grandparents.....they have a way of pushing all the buttons trying to make them work....and eventually blow them slap up. I bet they miss the rotary dials....sometimes I do.

alright...ready set go....Monday !!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

no paris alod

after a little deciphering
a mother to a five year old who is learning to spell by how words sound would know this says No Parents Allowed
that is the note I found on the playroom door today
I was informed by the note writer I may only come in to clean.
oh joy !!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Hamburger Joe's

I do love to eat
and I LOVE good food
a poor meal is enough to send me into a tailspin
You know of my tendency to go to the same restaurants
over and over
and even eat the same food
its comforting to me
Yes...I know it's dangerous for food to equal comfort I'm not crazy...blah blah blah
but that is just how the ball bounces round here
My favorite places to go are....local owned....dives....holes in the wall
the more I eat at chain type establishments .... the more I dislike them and their food.
Hamburger Joe's
in N. Myrtle Beach SC
is just my type of joint.
The tables and chairs are simple and even a lil' vintage
the burgers (which are the BEST) come on tiny paper plates the size of your hand
your drink ( sweet tea of course) served in a clear solo cup.
Have you been here before ?
If you have had that pleasure you know about the one dollar bills
stuck up and down
every wall in the place
I always this even legal.....can we, or they do this ?
all of the bills are defaced....George can be seen wearing hair styles of times gone by and present.
Up til now.....we had never added a bill of our own

we decided to take a walk on the wild side

Chloe is doodling on her bill like mad....with all I had...a blue ink pen
I am a crafter and I have not one other color of paint glitter ??
Note to self......stock purse with some way cool writing sticks
While Chloe doodles I spot a favorite of mine....Go Steelers !!
Ugh..not so much our quarterback right now...he needs to shape his butt up and keep his nose clean...shame on you Ben. there
when you visit Hamburger Joe's
you will find Chloe's dollar the center of the clock
we wanted to put it somewhere we could always find it
and you could too.
have a happy day

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

and they danced

the dress
the hair

the waiting

and waiting
the fidgeting
the running
the laughing and smiling
the twirling
the friends
the fairy wands
the fun
the memories
the father daughter dance
have a happy day

Monday, April 5, 2010


is your kid funny?
my kid is funny.
A small piece of my time is spent
photographing goodies for my shops
I take my basket of goods
over to THE corner of my kitchen
you know
they one with the BEST light
I can rarely be there alone
Chloe must join me
in this corner
every so often
if the mood strikes her
as I have my back turned
she adds props
accents if you will
to my goodies

makes me laugh
out loud
so funny
why does she do this ?
who knows
will I ever know ?
she thinks its so funny and I do too
and because I want the memory
I ALWAYS photograph it
whatever it is that she has ever so
stealthily placed in my field of view
I love this funny kid