Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Hamburger Joe's

I do love to eat
and I LOVE good food
a poor meal is enough to send me into a tailspin
You know of my tendency to go to the same restaurants
over and over
and even eat the same food
its comforting to me
Yes...I know it's dangerous for food to equal comfort I'm not crazy...blah blah blah
but that is just how the ball bounces round here
My favorite places to go are....local owned....dives....holes in the wall
the more I eat at chain type establishments .... the more I dislike them and their food.
Hamburger Joe's
in N. Myrtle Beach SC
is just my type of joint.
The tables and chairs are simple and even a lil' vintage
the burgers (which are the BEST) come on tiny paper plates the size of your hand
your drink ( sweet tea of course) served in a clear solo cup.
Have you been here before ?
If you have had that pleasure you know about the one dollar bills
stuck up and down
every wall in the place
I always wonder.....is this even legal.....can we, or they do this ?
all of the bills are defaced....George can be seen wearing hair styles of times gone by and present.
Up til now.....we had never added a bill of our own

we decided to take a walk on the wild side

Chloe is doodling on her bill like mad....with all I had...a blue ink pen
I am a crafter and I have not one other color of pen....no highlighter.....no marker....no paint pen....heck...no glitter ??
Note to self......stock purse with some way cool writing sticks
While Chloe doodles I spot a favorite of mine....Go Steelers !!
Ugh..not so much our quarterback right now...he needs to shape his butt up and keep his nose clean...shame on you Ben.
ha...so there
when you visit Hamburger Joe's
you will find Chloe's dollar
there...in the center of the clock
we wanted to put it somewhere special....so we could always find it
and you could too.
have a happy day


  1. Sounds like a good place to eat to me! C:


  2. yes I've eaten at Hamburger Joe's! our beach condo is just down the street and we eat at Joe's at least twice every trip (it's a tradition to eat there the first nite). I'll be looking for that dollar when we go down next month!)


Tell me whatcha think...pretty please.