Thursday, October 29, 2009

Grooming A Thrifter and A GIVEAWAY FREEBIE for you to SHARE

Early dismissal day at school
that means one thing
we have time for some thrifting.Chloe is truly becoming a fabulous thrifter.
She can pick out the best goodies
it tickles me pink.
She knows what I like
and she loves vintage stuff too.
She is so cool.

She knows her vintage from non-vintage
and even real vintage from new made to look vintage
Can you believe all the treasures we found today ??
I am the type that never grabs a cart at the thrift store
but the goodies were so plentiful today we needed a cart
everywhere we went.
These beauties (which work) will become part of my personal
Christmas production....they are so charming and make me so happy
when lit.....just so festive.
Chloe and I have been fighting over these since
SHE found them today....a whole family of flocked deer
She wants them for play I want to sell them
keep an eye on the vintage shop to see who wins this one
See the tiny yellow birdie.....oh....its the BEST!!
Love the lil' stuffed bonnet girly.
Strawberries...good enough to eat. these little Santas ( I am sitting in bed at the moment...... soooo I will get a Santa count on here soon....there are probably 20 or so)
Edited to Add; YES ... there are 22 Santas.
I want to give these away.
I believe you put a Hershey's kiss in their mouth
Then as the instructions state you pinch his cheeks
and his mouth opens and the kiss in there inside....waiting
to be devoured.
So how do you get them..... I want these to go to someone in need this Christmas.....
I know this rinky dinky Santa will not fix even one of their problems....but perhaps it will make them if you or your church visit shelters....or nursing homes....or children's homes and you WILL USE these....please tell me how you plan to do that in the comments section....and I will pick one person to receive the santas...probably randomly....but perhaps not if one just touches my heart a little more.
I will post the name of the recipient after the comments have slowed so please come back and check to see if you will receive the Santas....and thank you in advance !!!!
last but CERTAINLY not least
check out my clock...this jewel was $2.99
crazy....I know
It is just stunning.....its not working now...I do believe I will have it worked on
but even it I don' will be just lovely hanging anywhere....little cutie !!!
I just love thrifting with Chloe.....we have so much fun....and I love to daydream about
when she is older and will remember all the times she and I dug through some old junk and found all these treasures and then how I made her use anti-bacterial two times when we got in the car.
Good Times
have a happy day

Monday, October 26, 2009

Disney On Ice

Its been a long time since I have
been to an ice show
Its COLD in there
I mean really cold
Are you the kind of person who can ask a stranger to take
a photo of you and your family
I'm I have lots of pictures of me and Chloe and G and Chloe
I am quick to offer though to take pictures of others
so maybe they will say....can we return the favor.....Oh
really....would you ?? Thanks.
No such luck at Disney On Ice

I have always liked Disney....I mean who does not like Disney
but in the last several years
My we have become well...let's be honest....Disney fanatics.

Their ice show was phenomenal
did I think it would not be?? the brooms

and the much ignored Disney villains had their own part in the show
it was the BEST !!
Much fun was had by all
especially this little one
Do you think Disney On Ice rocked ??
Oh yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

have a happy day

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Mr. Pumpkin Head

Am I out of the mother of the year
running if I admit
I don't like carving pumpkins
I do not think its fun
Its so anti-climactic
I do love roasting the seeds though.....yum
I appreciate Fall....and all the things it means
even pumpkins with faces
especially if I don't have to cut them Probably the most beautifully round pumpkin I have seen in a while
not that I really see that many pumpkins......ever
but so perfect for making faces
I am in LOVE with these kits
eyes...noses....ears...horns....mouths....and even scars....

they were a little hard for Chloe to poke through
so I started each whole with a skewer (which made me long for grilled shrimp)
kinda like the children's book If You Give A Mouse A Cookie....if you give April a skewer she's gonna want you to grill some shrimp and if you grill her some shrimp she's gonna want you to bake her a potato.....
Mr. Crusty....the crusty side of my beautiful pumpkin

Mr. Waddle Nose....the beautiful side
well at least it was prior to those !!
I sat Mr. Waddle Nose on the stove top
So we could admire his choppers form pretty much anywhere in the room
I wonder if he sits in that sunlight long enough
he will become Mr. Pumpkin Pie
have a happy day

Thursday, October 22, 2009


Some fresh treats
from JaneSays
some weeks ideas do not exist
tools do not feel good in your hands
no colors look good together
other weeks craftiness falls like rain
I do love a good rain storm

I am preparing to try something "new"
Taking a creative trip
adding to my repertoire
so excited
hopefully sooner than later
I will have some fun new goodies to show you
I have lots to learn......should be fun !!!
have a happy day

Monday, October 19, 2009

Stop it......Just Stop it.....

I just saw 2 of the sweetest things I have even seen.....head over to Bakerella and check this post out.

have a happy day

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Something for Everyone

I have a giveaway winner
and because I hate to see anyone not win
I have a little something for all of you
A DELICIOUS soup recipe
cool nights = soup...right??Creamy Chicken and Wild Rice Soup
WARNING: This soup is southern to the core.....fattening and creamy so if you need to skip on by the recipe....I'll understand.
4 cups of chicken broth
2 cups of water
2 cooked chicken breasts shredded
1 pkg of quick cooking long rice w/ the seasoning packet
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper
3/4 cup flour
1/2 cup of butter (Ye Haaaaaaaaaaaw....I told you so)
2 cups of HEAVY creme ( good so so good)

Combine in a lg. pot water, chicken(which is already cooked and has been shredded), and broth bring just to a boil.
Add rice and set aside.
In a bowl combine four, salt and pepper.
In another pot melt butter over med. heat.....stir in seasoning packet....reduce to low and stir in flour by Tbsp.
Whisk in creme til smooth ..... cook to thick.
Add to the chicken and rice and heat thru for 10 minutes.

Serves my family of 3 twice
Enjoy !!!!!!

and now....for the winner of the goods and the recipe
Beth who commented
What fun! I don't scrapbook nearly as much as I used to - but I would happily split the stash between myself & my two sisters-in-law
is the lucky chic-a-dee
Congratulations.......I hope you have a wonderfully scrappy time !!!!!
Get me your mailing address and your goodies will be on their way.

have a happy day

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Take My Stash GIVEAWAY

As the seasons change
so does my love/hate relationship
with my creative stash
I get so disgusted with
myself for having so much stuff
I have not used
I get tired of opening my drawers and peeking into
my baskets and seeing the same ole stuff
it frustrates me
Since my juices are flowing in a whole new direction lately and I have virtually stopped scrapbooking (sad but true)

I have LOTS to get rid of.
Want some ????
This pile of goodies badly needs a new home
if not you......maybe a have at least one crafty friend....right ?

To enter the giveaway which will end on Sunday

leave a comment telling me if you or your crafty friend will get the goodies if you win.

Now Listen UP ....... to get 3....yes THREE additional entries.....sign up for the JaneSays/JaneSays Vintage email list....there is nothing but good stuff in and the best codes only for YOU !!! Just shoot me an email or etsy convo....tell me you want to sign up and that you entered the giveaway by commenting....and volia !!!! 4 entries....just like that.

All Halloween goodies at JaneSays are 50% off and all books at JaneSays Vintage are 25% off.....and of course these sales are a tad bit juicier for subscribers (wink)

have a happy day

Sunday, October 11, 2009

this morning

some things I love this morning

- I love that there are some new shows this season that I LIKE

- I love that Chloe is upstairs lookin at some old photos...I love to hear her say..."Oh look at this cutie" about her baby self....and "Look how beautiful you are" about my wedding photos

- I love love LOVE this trailer and the song too.....let the wild rumpus start

- I love ice cold pepsi

- I love that the dead ferns on my porch are gone

- I love Daisy being kennel trained...finally....that rocks !!

- I love the hubs new goatee...great for all....yes !!

- I love that its still warm enough to wear flop flops

- have a happy day

Monday, October 5, 2009


here i am
on the couch
dog beside me
tv on the evening news
laptop in my lap
browsing my favorite blogs
i pleaded with chloe to fly to her playroom
i needed some quiet
some mommy time
alas she obeyed
up the stairs she flew
now .... ahhhh the peace will be good
WHY ????
can a momma just get some peace and quiet?

have a happy (quiet) day

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Bend A Roos

I thought these would be fun
I got Chloe a package
they are fun
but a tad bit frustrating
the kids on the commercials
are making
how ??? I'll share
take your pile of bend a roos
work very diligently

wrapping and wrapping them around something
Po from Kung Fu Panda even
that my friends is how you do it
Daddy did this one
talented little booger now isn't he??
have a happy day

Friday, October 2, 2009

Johnny Appleseed

Johnny Appleseed
the man who supplied much of the United States
with apple trees.
Many people believe he was a fictional character
but he was real....born September 26, 1774.
His real name was John Chapman
I believe you can guess how he got the name
Johnny Appleseed.
To celebrate this man and the fruit he loved so dearly
the kindergarten had apple immersion all week
which ended with a whirlwind tour of an apple orchard
17 out of 17 kindergarteners say the BEST part of the trip was riding the school bus
it was many of the kiddos first time on a bus......and they LOVED it
I vote for a trailer pulled by a tractor any day
off we went on a winding, hilly tour of the orchard

a bucket of chilled apples awaited

After the tour there was plenty of fun to be had
a super duper extra large sunflower maze they all eventually found their way out
a little apple education
the importance of bees and pollenation
and how healthy apples are.....LOADED with vitamin C and fiber
for those of you who need extra know who you apples !!
Really...the extra bubbly and cute apple lady said so...wish I had a pic of her....she was adorable.
wish we had parachutes to play with when I was a wee one
it was all I could do not to get in there with them
oh to be a kid again
now go eat an apple
have a happy day