Sunday, October 25, 2009

Mr. Pumpkin Head

Am I out of the mother of the year
running if I admit
I don't like carving pumpkins
I do not think its fun
Its so anti-climactic
I do love roasting the seeds though.....yum
I appreciate Fall....and all the things it means
even pumpkins with faces
especially if I don't have to cut them Probably the most beautifully round pumpkin I have seen in a while
not that I really see that many pumpkins......ever
but so perfect for making faces
I am in LOVE with these kits
eyes...noses....ears...horns....mouths....and even scars....

they were a little hard for Chloe to poke through
so I started each whole with a skewer (which made me long for grilled shrimp)
kinda like the children's book If You Give A Mouse A Cookie....if you give April a skewer she's gonna want you to grill some shrimp and if you grill her some shrimp she's gonna want you to bake her a potato.....
Mr. Crusty....the crusty side of my beautiful pumpkin

Mr. Waddle Nose....the beautiful side
well at least it was prior to those !!
I sat Mr. Waddle Nose on the stove top
So we could admire his choppers form pretty much anywhere in the room
I wonder if he sits in that sunlight long enough
he will become Mr. Pumpkin Pie
have a happy day

1 comment:

  1. What a gorgeous pumpkin in the first picture!! Those kits are such a great idea!! :)

    ~ Wendy


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