Saturday, March 8, 2008

Goodie Mail....

Goodie Mail....nothing better...these arrived today...from my sweet sweet friend "C" thank you thank you thank you. It is such a good day when I have goodies on their way....but when they are surprise goodies it is even better. These little cookie cutters have a home in my kitchen window....and the sweet birdy (C and I both love birdies) is perched on my artificial orchid....keeping watch over my mason jar filled with reese cups. Along with the bird and the cookie cutter cuties were a couple of pieces of chocolate...needless to way those were gone way before I got the camera out. To you (C) my friend...thank you so much this made my day. I know you did not do this to get something back because I know you....however I consider myself tagged.....Goodies to you when you least expect it.

and now a little shop talk...another album making its way to the shop sometime this weekend...along with a LOT of other new goodies. My sweeties went to the Charlotte Bobcats game last night and I had a lot of time to was so very nice and peaceful.

I also watched about 3 episodes of Dawson's Creek....I was in crafting and oooey gooey teenage angst heaven.

Have a happy day!!

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