Friday, March 7, 2008

Crying in the Dollar Store read that right....I made my usual monthly run by the local dollar store today.....and this song was playing over the caught my attention...and the more I eyes got vision blurred...and lo and behold I was almost in a full on cry ...right there in the aisle of the dollar store. This song was telling stories of people who are rushing time...or being somewhere other than in "the" moment....This was affecting the mother in me...there is a verse about a mother and her kids are screaming and she is apologizing to the man that is in the house working on her water heater...and he says...Ah..they don't bother me I have 36 the other is 23 (you can find the lyrics here).....and he tells her you're gonna miss're gonna want this back....and I had one of those awakening moments you get from time to time...its not that I didn't already know this...but sometimes I need reminding....People...enjoy the moments whatever they are...soak it all up....because chances are....we are all gonna miss this and want it back.

Here is a video of this song at a concert its poor quality...but I just wanted to be able to share the touched me...maybe it will touch you.....oh is Country...No I don't particularly care for country music but I do care for touching lyrics.

The song is You're gonna miss Trace Adkins.....enjoy.

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