Saturday, September 8, 2012

Catching-Up Part One

Let's play catch-up a minute....shall we ?

My Summer was lovely and fast ( yes I know it's still officially Summer, but when the kids go back to school technically Summer is over....right ?)

Here's the rundown:

My baby turned 8.

We watched Mr. Lochte swim.
USA !!

 My Dad was diagnosed with Cancer, I have been so fortunate in the sick family members realm, He is the first I have ever had to deal with. 
It's a strange thing to have a sick family member.
Kinda numbing...then kinda frustrating...then kinda numbing again.
His treatments start next week.
Hopeful. Nervous. Scared.

We got sand in our bathing suits.
A lot and often.

We ate (and wore) a lot of ice cream.

We of course we thrifted......duh.

That's not all.
We did oodles and oodles more.
Look for Catching-Up Part Two later this week.


  1. That is some amzing and terrifying news. Glad it looks like the good is outnumbering the bad though. Love and prayers are coming your way.

  2. So sorry to hear about your dad April. Sounds like he has a strong support system. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you and your family. Looks like other than that, you have had a wonderful Summer. Can't wait to hear more about it :)
    Happy back to school!

  3. April, i am so sorry about the diagnosis for your dad. I will be praying for you.


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