Sunday, September 9, 2012

Catching-Up Part Two

Let's pick up where we left off

I have been following every precious and trying step of Ashley's adoption story
If you have not been reading this Do it NOW .

We met us with some of Chloe's cousins that she has never met.

I started the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo series.  I am on the second book.
I do not like them as well as the Hunger series, I know some of you said I would. Sorry.

I didn't buy this GIANT blue H.
I should have.
It saw it on my birthday too.
I really should have bought it.
For me.
I kept asking myself where would you put with a 3 foot tall H ?
Where wouldn't I put a 3 foot tall H.

Chloe started pitching lessons.
This is her coach.
Girl's fastpitch softball pitching is amazing.

I boycotted Dunkin Donuts for changing their prices and charging me $1.99 for a small water.
That lasted a week.
Those munchkins are so good.
I have not purchased a water since though.

We got bored while Dad shopped for shoes.

Chloe got her ever loving heart broken because we would not buy the $1200 Italian Greyhound.
That's a car payment and then some.

I know pitiful huh ?
I felt like a real loser of a parent for letting her get it and hold it.
I knew that would happen.
The same thing happened to my parents when I was little.
It was a red weenie dog.
He was no where near $1200.
I cried and we took him home.
We named him Fritz.
I stopped the cycle by saying no to the greyhound.
It had to end somewhere.
Right ?

More of our Summer tomorrow or maybe the next day.
Right now I have to go get my spot on the couch.
Steelers Broncos.


  1. Love that she smiled through the tears with the pup. She is so awesome.

    oh and I hate you for linking to the adoption story. I almost shed a tear. Not Cool. :-)

  2. A couple things:
    YES you should have bought that "H." Regret! that is one cute puppy, but glad you broke the cycle. Glad you're back on the Dunkin donuts train...SO good! Oh, and I've been reading along with Ashley and get a lump in my throat with each post. Such an amazing story! Their family is now complete :)


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