Friday, March 2, 2012

Red and Rambling

I like red.
No I love red.
I spy something that needs to be red.

It's red now.
It was TOO red.
I thought I had messed up.
So I clipped some really fun postcards on it to break up the red.
They broke up the red beautifully.
I love red.

Happy the weekend is here.....who's not ?
Chloe's last basketball game is tomorrow....sad. 
Softball is just around the corner....happy.
Oh and I am reading The Hunger Games, can't really seem to put it down
want to finish it before the movie comes out...gotta hurry.
Are you a book or a movie first person ??
I watched Twilight first then read, but I read The Help first then saw the movie.
I must say I am a book first person.
Rambling now.....
The hubs and I are watching Bridesmaids tonight....can't wait.
Hope it's hilarious.......

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