Monday, March 26, 2012

Monday and FREE M&M's

I have been couponing for a few weeks now.
Newbie...I know.

I have saved gobs of moneyso far, but today at Harris Teeter I made out especially well.
It was a triple coupon day.
I got all of this (above) for $22.14.  My bill was $50.00 before the coupons.
This folks tickles me pink.
This ends if you have any small coupons (under 99 cent) it just may be worth your while
to head to Harris Teeter to get those babies tripled.

Also went to Lowes Food and got 2 Palermo's pizzas Buy one get one free, and I had 2- $1dollar off coupons so 2 pizzas ended up being $5.50.  Great Deal.

If you like M&M's and you like Rice Krispies, I had a coupon for $4 off of 4 Rice Krispies (sorry this was an online coupon and I think it's gone), and on each Rice Krispies box there was a peel off coupon for every 2 boxes of Rice Krispies purchased you got a FREE bag of M&M's.  Super Duper Deal.
I got 4 boxes of Rice Krispies and 2 Large bags of M&Ms for $6.64.  This all went down at Target.  Whoop Whoop !!

And  my poor mom rode shotgun for it all, usually we spend Monday shopping, thrifting and antiquing and today was spent couponing....I think I owe her.

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