Thursday, March 15, 2012


I wanted a   button after each post on my blog.
I googled and binged and looked all over,  I found plenty of completely useless and inaccurate

I don't know about you, but I don't like to go poking around in the html of the ole blog
unless I am pretty confident in what I am doing. Feel me ?

I also did not want to pay a blog designer 20 plus dollars to do something I could do myself.

I finally stumbled upon a blog that I have stumbled upon before (this time I bookmarked it)
when I was poking around in my blog's inner workings and needed to know how to do something.

Kevin & Amanda is a great lil' blog with oodles and oodles of information.
Their post on adding the Pin it button was spot on. Easy. Accurate. Understandable.
Here is a link to that post, but please peek around the entire blog, you just may learn
something else you have always wanted to know.

A Pin it button on your blog after each post is a good way to encourage readers to
pin content from you blog, and by now we all know Pinterest is a great way to
get new readers to your site.

It's very simple, promise, you can do it.

Also ...... I added a new button to the right sidebar, it will take you to a page with all the recipes I blog about.
It's aptly titled Let's Eat.
Enjoy those....ok ?

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! I've been wondering how to do that and am pretty intimidated by html. Thanks :)


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