Saturday, February 4, 2012

Saturday in a Blur

Saturday you are here.
I love you Saturday.
Saturday day of rest, leisure, do what you wanna do
day to have fun, run around barefoot (because you can during a Winter like this)
run errands with a little "for me" shopping tucked in there too

EEERRrrrrtttttt !!!!!!!!! (That was the sound of car brakes, you got that right?)

Today is none of that, well there will be some fun, but yea today is a busy busy day.

First some way too sugary cereal for breakfast because that is all we have time for
Then off to a basketball game for this beauty.
She is good.

Then to a ONE year birthday party for this bundle of eat her up yum yum.
My "niece" Sunny is ONE.
Time flies blah blah blah.....yes we all know that now don't we ?

If we are not full of cake and such then we will stuff down some resemblance of a lunch

Then it's off to birthday  party number 2 for this handsome devil.
Yep my husband is getting Ooolllld.

Sometime tonight in the dark we will arrive back home and apologize to our dogs that they
had to be in their beds for the biggest part of Saturday, because it is their Saturday too.
I imagine though that they will be  thinking YES !!!  They are gone...let's sleep.



  1. Happy Saturday! I hope you had a wonderful weekend.


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