Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Dirty Lil' iPhone

Let me preface all this by saying I know this is not rocket science, I am just sharing cause this just tickled me.

Does your iPhone get nasty?
If you said no, you are lying.
iPhones get plain gross.
When I got my iPhone it came with a fresh new pet peeve....I can't have a dirty screen.

I don't recall if the iPhone came with a cleaning rag or not if it did mine is long dirty and long gone.
I have been using the rag that came with my laptop for some time now and well it's losing it's
cleaning gusto too, it just smears.

Once again The Dollar  Tree to the rescue.
$1 Eyeglass cleaning cloth. YES
Microfiber YES

It was great too that the cloth was huge (for an iPhone)
So I cut it into sixths.
These should last me for a bit and just in case they don't you do know I purchased extra.
After being cut they are just about the size of the iPhone so I keep one in the pocket of my bag
with the phone and it's nice and handy.

I LOVE a clean iPhone.

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