Friday, December 23, 2011


Today is for .......
Eating breakfast at La Patisserie.
Taking Chloe to buy Daddy a Christmas prezzie.
Blogging alone by the tree while everyone else sleeps.....have you ever tried to get ice in a cup without
waking the whole house, nearly impossible.

Eating way too many cookies that were brought home from our annual cookie baking
party with Nana yesterday.
Bathing the doggies.
Shopping for Christmas Eve get together.
Eating the left over Chicken and Vegetable Dumpling Soup from Wednesday .... delish !!

Cutting hearts for Valentine garlands for the holidays keep coming.
Washing bed linens.
Checking instagram and facebook often to see what all of the elves are up to.... I love the elf antics.
Wearing slipper socks, the granny kind with the grippy dots on the bottom.
Staying focused and not letting the hustle and bustle get me out of whack, it's not a serious thing, enjoy family, have fun, think of the Reason for the Season....yes !!

see ya'll

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