Sunday, December 18, 2011

My Week Of Instagram

  1. The Reason.  I have a fondness for vintage manger scenes, if I had more space to display them I would buy every one I see and I see lots.
  2. We tried a new restaurant Friday night, Midtown Sundries, not my favorite, Bummer.   Don't you just hate it when you pay a lot of money for mediocre food ??
  3. My deer photo, from years ago, now it's snowing.  Ha!  I love my iphone. This app is called phototreats, fun snow.
  4. Well since I don't drink coffee, this must be mom's coffee from our favorite little breakfast joint La Patisserie.  Quaint, quiet and delicious.
  5. Chloe can not....CAN NOT watch a movie without popcorn, and since I have been in an ELF and The Grinch kind of  mood we have been popping lots.
  6. Plaid shirt, jeans, cowboy boots = uniform.
  7. Shoot !!!
  8. Doodling at work sometimes there is nothing better to do.
  9. Old photo from Grandma's school days.  She is the first girl on the bottom row from the left, black dress, which knowing my Grandma this dress was navy or purple but with black and while  photo, who knows.  So funny this was years ago but her legs look like her legs look to me today. Pretty lady.

Alright get to shopping ya'll...... 7 days until Christmas !!!

Don't forget quick and easy gift print yourself 2012 calendars at JaneSays.  Get yours now.

see ya'll

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