Saturday, September 24, 2011

A Couple Fails and a Couple Scores

First things first this morning Chloe and I went to Nana's to deliver some frogs to MeMaw.
Weeks ago while at Nana's, Chloe discovered several frog families, or maybe they
were just one family, frogs do lay multiple eggs don't they? 
Either way she found a mess of frogs.

 At that time some of the frogs were contained in this bucket just so Chloe could
"play" with them.
They were black and slimy.  Chloe named them all and then she put them back where
she found them.

Out intentions today were to take a few to MeMaw (my grandma).
When she heard Chloe had found frogs she wanted 3 for her pond.

We were sad to find today that all the frogs had left for higher ground.
It has rained here, pretty much downpoured, for the last 4 days.
The little trough at the bottom of the hill was full of water
and I suppose they could not stay in that much water ???
Which makes me wonder what MeMaw thinks they were going to do in her pond ???
Mission aborted.

And what do you do when you can't deliver frogs, you make muffins, or cupcakes. 
I had seen this recipe  on Pinterest
Pumpkin muffins.
So simple all you do is mix a yellow cake mix and a can of pumpkin.

Too good to be true.
These were boring and tasteless.
If  not for the cream cheese icing they would have been tossed, I'm sure.

Mom suggested maybe they would be better with some pumpkin pie spices thrown in
I think she is probably right.

While at Target picking up muffin ingredients we picked up a cute hat
who needs frogs or cupcakes when you have this cute Minnie Mouse hat.

After much fun at Nana's we had to head home, remember
I had carpets to clean.

We had the most ominous skies today.

I know that looks like a tornado, but it was not....good thing too there
was not a ditch in sight.

Here she is, my sidekick for hours today, I do I do I do love my carpet cleaner though.
It's so easy to use and judging by the murky brown water it sucks up
it does a good job.  How on earth does carpet that is vacuumed weekly get so icky ?

While I cleaned I watch Licensed to Drive a good ole 80's flick, do you remember it ?
I was going to marry Corey Haim I am sure, well only if Kirk Cameron or anyone from Duran Duran
turned me down.

 Little Daisy LOVES the carpet cleaner.
The hum puts her right to sleep.
Lei Lei, the other dog, gets under the couch....the hum scares her to death.
Daisy stays very close by.

It was a lovely productive Saturday for us all.
Hoping yours was.

see ya'll

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