Wednesday, August 31, 2011

You won't believe where JaneSays is NOW

I forgot to tell you.

JaneSays & JaneSays Vintage now has a facebook fan page. So if you like...and well even if you don't go LIKE my lil' shops go like it.

Type it in the search bar just like this... JaneSays & JaneSays Vintage...I have one page for both shops. I can barely keep up with all my social sites now...I definitely didn't need 2 pages.

I don't quite know in what capacity I will use the page yet...but I think facebook likers will get information before items hit if you are one of my vintage sheet can see some of the goodies before they hit the store.

Of course there will be special discount codes and sales ONLY for facebook fans.

So yea...check it out.

You know you like JaneSays and her vintage sister.

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Now I've Gone and Done It

Yea...I really put my foot in it this time.

I took a position on the PTO Board at the school. Ways and Means.....or in English...Fund Raising. It's an important raising...our schools have ZERO money these days and that means fund raising is a must do.

How does or has your school raised money ??

Any fun, money generating, creative fund raising ideas ?

This year out 2 biggies are selling the discount cards, which I personally LOVE and something new called Boosterthon which we are apparently the last school to take part in this we'll see.

Have your had a did it go?

have a happy day ya'll

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Friday, August 26, 2011

Always the Last One

We have only had Internet service at our home for ... ohh ... maybe 5 years.
I had it at work so I had no need for it at home.
I have only owned 2 laptops....and both of those for a total of 5 years.
I never eve purchase or used an ipod.
I just got a kindle a year ago.
The hubs and I both JUST got smart phones of the iphone variety 3 months ago.
I don't know why I wait so long to latch onto technology...I love it I do...I just do not think
I need it.

FAST FOWARD to present time
I NEEd instagram
I am in L...O...V....E with instagram.
I browse and plunder and post all freakin day.
In a matter of seconds all my photos become vintage....oooh..I wanna squeal.

Instagram is a free app...if you are not doing it....shame on you. It's so easy...ANYONE
can appear to be a pro at photography with instagram..and it's all with a camera phone...amazing.

If you instagram you can follow me @aprilshowerz. Tell me you found me on my blog, I'll follow you back.

Below is just a teeny tiny taste of my ever growing instagram collection.

Cute tidbit - The other day Chloe came home from a golf trip with Mr. JaneSays aka Daddy and said " Mom...I saw a cute little barn on the golf course that would have been perfect for your instagram" ( my heart pitter patters for her)

ok now go check the photos....

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Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Where Dreams Come True

We have been on holiday (ha I wish we called vacation holiday here in the States)
anywho we have been at Disney in Orlando
and here are some of my favorite memories
instagram and not so instagram style.

Zip A Dee Doo Dah...Zip A Dee Aaaa My oh My what a wonderful day !!!

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