Monday, June 20, 2011

Summer To Do List

The Summer is here and after poor Chloe having to battle a
CRAZY 1o2 degree fever, coughing, sneezing, sore throat monster of a virus the first full week of Summer vacation we are recovered and ready to have some fun.

No I am not the first to make a Summer to do list
it's going around the blogging world like wild fire.
It's a lot of fun and it's a nice way to set goals for the Summer so you don't turn around
and all you and your kids have accomplished for the Summer is a couple of water paintings, a batch of so so cupcakes and getting the weekly shopping done.

I have seen lists on poster board
lists on slips of paper that you pick from each day
lists on chalkboards and that's how we keep up with ours.

I think Chloe make a good list, lots of variety, some good food, and a little education too.

The ones I am looking forward to the most are the midnight do-nut run and Disney World.

Check in all Summer to see how we are doing.

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