Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Checkin off the List

Monday we took a real swing at
the Summer To Do List.
Made some scrumptious cupcakes.
Cookies and Cream...of the OREO nature.
Used this recipe.
They were divine.
Only changes I made were
- I baked mine 22 minutes.
- I didn't add any OREOS to the top I thought the ones included in the batter
would be plenty there is too much of a good thing...ya know ?

Cupcakes check.

We went to our local library....we have never been can you believe that ?
Up until now we had no need, with my mom being a retired 1st grade teacher Chloe has had an abundance of books her whole life.
But now, she has outgrown and surpassed all of mom's first grade level books and we need new stuff to read.
I buy a lot of Chloe's books at thrift stores but I knew it would be a great experience for her to get a library card, choose books and check them out herself.
We signed her up, got her card and off we sent to the stacks.
Chloe quickly picked 5 books (which is the limit for a first time checker outer).
Then she was not going to go quietly.....she just had to play on the computers a bit, as if she is not able to get online and play at home...silly...but I obliged her and let her peck around on pbs kids for a bit.
Back at home after we made the cupcakes she sat down and read all 5 books, so she is ready to go back for more tomorrow.

Library check....and a little independence to boot.

Saturday night we made our late night do-nut run, that was kinda a flop. We were all too tired and not in the mood for sugar by the time we got our do-nuts. The best do-nut shop is 45 mins. away and the drive ruined the do-nut mood.

Late Nite Do-Nut Run check.

how are you doing on your Summer list ?

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