Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Some Things

With new family room furniture arriving in 3 days (jumping up and down) thing is for sure, there is only one of us in this house that will miss the slouchy, faded worn out slip covered couch....Ms. Daisy.
It is true...she was right.
These muffins are the BEST.......they disappeared in the blink of an eye, so quickly I could not even get a photo of a full tray of them....I swear when I pressed the shutter button there were 12 now only 2, crazy !!
They were I am buying my bananas at the peak of ripeness so I can make more and more and more.
You know what they say about an apple a day....lovin' my new towel design.
In the shop now.

It makes me smile with delight that my 6 year old will still drag out her Thomas trains and play with them on a warm and sunny day.
I love that kid.
I love that she is a kid.
She is in no hurry to grow up....she is a true 6 year old in every way....I think today toooooo many kids are growing up tooooo fast......well I am happy and proud to say my 6 year old is just that.....6.
And I'm proud of the job Mr. JaneSays and I are doing....keeping her true to her age and raising quite a fine young lady if I do say so myself. ( toot toot)

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1 comment:

  1. Your little one is so adorable! How lucky that she is still a kid. I get nervous about that. They grow up faster and faster these days. I played with Barbie till I was like 10. Probably shouldn't admit that : )


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