Thursday, March 17, 2011

Bird Print Giveaway

I have a giveaway for you today, 2 oh so lucky readers will win the file containing my bird print image by email....the same one you see above.

You can then print it as many times as you like and frame it for your home or give it as a gift.

To enter this giveaway leave a comment telling me the one thing you always do to your home when Spring arrives.
For an extra entry blog this giveaway on your blog and leave me a comment with the link.

Giveaway ends Sunday when I remember to come pick a winner.

Best of luck !!!!

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  1. i always change up my mantle for spring. well, every holiday and every season. so spring is no different. love the bird print and your blog!

  2. hmm i try to bring home fresh flowers and make the house feel more alive and happy!
    love the print!!

  3. some cleaning and purging every spring

  4. I always pack up the winter clothes and take the huge winter jackets off our jacket holder thingy:) i replace them with a light sweater for everyone. Makes it look like the jacket holder went on a drastic diet!!

  5. I always clean out my drawers and closet :) I also tend to open all the windows if there's even a hint of warm sunshine :)


Tell me whatcha think...pretty please.