Sunday, January 16, 2011

2011 Babies Part 1

I know with every generation there are things that has us rapidly speeding toward a simpler life....a life filled with stimulating and entertaining outlets 24 hours a day, but simpler none the less.

I occurs to me every so often how much things have changed in my 37 years (I know....I've been here a long time...right)
and it must just be a whirlwind to my 83 year old grandparents.

It would truly blow their minds that I could take photos on my vacation and that they could then see them instantaneously (if they would go near a crazy of the devil laptop which provides a portal to the crazy of the devil internet) but we know they would never do that .... just saying if they did it would blow their mind.

I was reading an article on Yahoo Finance about some of the things that children born in 2011 may never know a thing about. I have a niece due any day now, here are some of the things this article says she may never know of.

1. Travel agents - I myself have never used a travel agent.....well no I take that back, I have once and it was helpful...she knew a bit of insider info.that we would not have known without her expertise. That was 8 or so years I am sure there is nothing about a travel destination that you could not find out on the good ole Internet. Eons ago if your hotel was beside a pig farm the only way you would know would be for your travel agent to tell you but now I'm sure forums abound to keep you abreast of such info.


2. Separation of work and home - Well yea...I can see this...there may be many children now that know nothing of this. For one, so many people work from home now, they carry on meetings and work out deals in their sweats.....their children know nothing of mom and/or dad putting on work clothes and leaving the house for 8 hours. Secondly, with today's technology people work almost 24/7 answering emails, sending texts, and producing reports at a moments notice....taking phone calls at all never seems to stop for some. I really think the separation of work and home is already blurred a great deal.


3. Books, magazines and newspapers - Oh....this one makes me a little sick and breaks my heart. While I did get a Kindle for Christmas I will never (well as long as they are in print) quit reading an actual book. For my whole life print has been very prominent. As a child books were a best a teen Seventeen magazine and Tiger Beat were my Bible is my Guiding Light now and forever...the thought that there will be fewer and fewer items in print that you can hold and fewer places where you can get them....well that is just sad.


4. Movie Rental Stores - well yea...this one I already see, this one doesn't really bother me...probably because I'm not much of a movie renter. I don't think the 2011 babies will be missing anything here they will still get their movies just faster and they won't be due back tomorrow.


5. Watches - I don't see this happening....I mean I think there is a certain kind of person who likes a watch and I don't see that changing. Business men ( it's distinguished) Athletes (timing workouts and tracking heart rate and such) Women (for fashion reasons) other than an arm full of swatches in the 80's I have never worn a watch. I do check it on my phone when I need the time but I don't think the time on a phone will out-class a nice watch any time soon.


6. Paper maps - I don't know how I feel about this one....there is something nostalgic and comfy about a nice worn mis-folded map.....because they are ALWAYS mis-folded you know that. The way you have to shake and pop it to get the folds flattened out just right so you can read it....I don't know...maps are just cool, and I love the colors......but yea with GPS and such I can see the extinction on the horizon.


7. Wired Phones- My Chloe doesn't see too many of these and she is a child of 2004 so it's probably fair to say my niece will never see a wired phone.


8. Newspaper classifieds - that's another one not even my child sees....but ya know I miss this one myself. It used to be the BEST way to locate and map out yard sale excursions and well now there is just no easy way. If you happen upon one or are lucky enough to see a sign then you will have the joy of digging thru the things someone no longer wants...Oh I love digging thru the things people no longer want....oh I miss the classifieds.


9. Dial up Internet - Dinosaur.......slow dinosaur.


10. Encyclopedias - How many hours did you spend basically copying the encyclopedia pretty much word for word in elementary and jr. school ? That was the best source of information we had. Oh I am getting sadder by the minute, how do you even write a paper these days with the Internet providing most of your sources....I wonder if it makes writing a paper simpler or not....are there too many sources now...too much information.


It would seem to be the end of the world as I knew it.
Be sure to come back and catch part 2.
I promise I'll get around to it.
Do you own a set of encyclopedias and do you have a phone with a wire in your house...curious?
I have neither...but a set of encyclopedias might be fun.


  1. Just found your blog and I ADORE your header!!! So presh!!

  2. Some of these make me really sad too..probably that e-books are taking over the world is the worst! I was thinking awhile back about children's books and for some reason I couldn't see how they would be able to put children's books on e-readers and I was so happy. Then I saw a commercial for one. Bummer. Can you imagine a world without real books to read to your children? I remember sitting in the school library reading Seventeen and sneaking Tiger Beat with my sister and oh, the encyclopedias! We aren't really that old (I'm 34) but the way things have changed, I'm starting to feel old!


Tell me whatcha think...pretty please.