Sunday, January 2, 2011


Did I do everything I wanted to do ? no.
Did I have a good time?'s ups and downs do come and I'm a short fused, quick tempered chic-a-dee, an easily upset type of gal to say the least.
Let's look at some of the highlights....sweep the low lights under the proverbial rug and chat about what 2011 might bring.

A large snow is ALWAYS something to talk about around here.

You people who live where you get REAL snow would just roll over laughing at what we think is snow and how it paralyzes us.
Preparations for the daddy daughter ruff tuff cream puff was a beautiful girl that night it was odd yet comforting to see her so snazzied up. I believe that was the start of a new sense of girliness in her, she put a portion of her tomboyness away that night. She traded in her boots for shiny silver dancing shoes and she loved them.
First team sport....t-ball of course. She didn't love it (much to here daddy's dismay)...but she didn't hate it either.
I am forever painting something and Daisy was my sidekick in 2010.
I will just dide when she no longer fits in cheesey kid rides.
First chairlift ride. It was high.
My 6 year old....I won't spill all the sentimental mumbo jumbo about how I simply can not believe she is 6 and how it seems like yesterday that I could bathe her in my kitchen sink and entertain her with something as simple as a set of car keys...ha it's so hard not to do that when you are a mom and you see your children becoming who they are going to be right before your very eyes.
Love this tradition...want to do this as long as we can.
One of my most favorite things to do is help at Chloe's school....its rewarding and makes me happy and Chloe loves it too. Do you suppose she will mind when I want to help out at senior pictures too ?
Picking a tree at the Christmas tree farm, it's here that I force ( bribe) Chloe to give me great shots for my Christmas card each year....this picture says to me....look at me mom, I'm smiling aren't I so snap the's cold out here and I have not coat on for crying out and your crazy Christmas card photos.
The four-leggers finally are making nice.
as are the smallest four-legger and the two-legger.'s good for us...we do love it
Our first corn maze we did horribly there were groups of young boy scouts finishing way before us and they started way after us....pitiful. Next year we will do better.

Chloe in charge of the point and shoot at Downtown Disney....these photos are priceless.
My favorite mouse......we love Disney World.... it is our most favorite thing to do as a family.
2011 is here and here is my list of....... oh let's call them goals in no particular type of order.
1. chill out, tame my temper and be more positive.
2. dive deeper into my devotions and my Bible and take Chloe with me.
3. finish my novel....writing not reading.
4. knowingly take part in one random act of kindness each week.
5. cook at least 2 new dishes a month.
6. paint my ceilings.
7. teach Chloe to ride a bike without training wheels.
8. make time for my grandparents...I'm lucky to have both of my mom's parents still with me.
9. reach out to my in-laws...I don't quite know what that will consist of yet...but something has to change, that is and has been a constant strain.
10. enjoy my niece....I have a niece on the way ..... due to be here in a few weeks...nothing heals the heart and warms the soul like a baby I am so looking forward to her arrival.
let's do this
have a happy day


  1. well done! a very enjoyable trip dowm your memory lane. Chloe is a beautiful young lady. Hugs,

  2. Looks like you had a great year. Good luck on your 2011....goals.

  3. Your daughter is SO adorable & I can tell she has quite the personality! I would love any Disney World tips...we are going for the first time this summer! My girls are 2 & almost 4 and we have never been!


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