Wednesday, June 2, 2010

rain checks

A couple of weeks ago
we (the kindergarten class) had a field trip to Tweetise to visit the Letterland characters
We all dressed for warm weather....sure there was the chance of showers
but that is everyday this time of year
so no worries.....right
It was 38 degrees up on that mountain.....38 chilly degrees
and it was raining....pouring...then misting....just nasty
we bundled up the kiddos best we could and soldiered on
after a couple of hours I was done....DONE I tell ya
luckily we had drove our car up and we packed up Chloe and headed home
a week later....much to my surprise we were sent rain
thanks Tweetsie
Sunday we cashed those babies in
A lovely day began with a lovely ride up the mountain on the chairlift

we were on our way to adventure and good times !!!
Oh yea

8 dollars and one bucket of sand later
we were the proud owners of "rare" gems
I would show you the photo but I do not want you trying to break into our
home to make our gems your very own
We rode lots and lots of classic style fair rides.....Garren got completely loopy...dizzy and just plain ole sick from the tilt-a-whirl....oh age...what a cruel cruel thing...he used to ride anything and not miss a beat...Chloe and I were chuckling a little....what a pansy...hehe.
Chloe was an angel all day
so she got to do a little shopping
she wisely chose the pink cowgirl hat
adorable !!!
She wanted the pink gun and holster.....hmmmm....I am just not sure how I feel about play guns
The are so nostalgic...and there is something so endearing about seeing a play gun strapped to the hip of a kid.......bang bang shoot em up......but man....I was we opted for the hat.
and its not a trip to the mountains if we do not get boiled peanuts

ahhh...and a Coke so big Chloe could hardly hold it......another TREAT for being so FAB !!!

rain checks rock !!!!

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