Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Being a TEAM

I knew when I saw the calf muscle on the ultrasound that Chloe would one day be
an athlete.....perfect...cause I simply would not be good at pageant princess stuff....just wouldn't
We did not start her in soccer at 3....to me that is just crazy.....running around...no clue what you are doing...in other words...just useless....if you love it...great...just seemed silly to me.
We put her in gym/fitness class at 4....once again...it just seemed like glorified playtime to me...for which I was paying a bundle for and she didn't LOVE It....so we quit that.
Chloe is now 5 and growing fast so we definitely think its a good time to take something kinda serious....start learning a sport...sportsmanship...you know...how to be a TEAM.
We told Chloe she could play one sport...she chose t-ball.
I'm happy with that...and goes without saying my softball playing hubby is too.
I was otherwise emotionless about the whole t-ball thing.....that is until the day before we had our first practice.
The goods.....we have to have the goods.
Equipment....clothing......hair pretties......agh.....why is this affecting me this way ?
I instruct hubs to pick up the pink puma cleats on his way home....we already have the pink glove.
I made a special trip to Ulta to pick up hair pretties .....what....hair pretties for t-ball?
A pink bat is on my weekend shopping list.
Upon arriving at practice....I was excited...to watch....to experience this with her...to cheer her on...to be her biggest FAN !!!
It was cold...wind and shade make for a chilly time.
There are 4 other girlies on her team.....it was so fun to watch them with their lil' pink gloves...kickin dirt around with there new cleats....bonding....chatting...laughing...good good..she is having a good time...after all this is about fun....I mean they are 5....right?
sooooooooooooooooooooooooo....practice begins.
I keep hearing this grunting noise.....over and over.
I can't figure it out....is that a child.....a 5 year old....on my child's team?
Ah haaa....I spot the grunter.
oh JOY...the coach's child.....and he is PUMPED....and keeps saying over and over..."my dad is the coach....my dad is the coach"
So hubs walks up...and simultaneously as I am thinking....oh JOY...he says exactly what I am thinking...and just in case coachy ever reads my blog...I'll keep that quiet.
Like mad....scenarios begin running through my head.....am I going to be "that" parent ?
You know...the one yelling....making comments.....standing up for my child against your child.....arguing......fighting (no fists though....not me).......how will I react....when a child tags my child out and their parent yells.......Way to Get her......oh no she didn't !!!!
I'm worried about me....Chloe IS MY GIRL !!! I will simply not be able to take it....I'm afraid.
I have heard stories...the worst part of kids sports is the parents...I believe it....though I did not until yesterday at 6:00...now I do.
This may just be a lesson in sportsmanship and being a TEAM for me too.......game on !!

have a happy day


  1. My boy has been playing baseball since 3, travel baseball since 9-he's 16. My girl has played basketball, gymnastics, tennis, lacrosse (with boys), volleyball and marches in the band-she's 17. I have wanted to be THAT PARENT more times than I an count. The difference-you just don't. You will ultimately realize it is the game, cheer for your team-even when it applauding the failure of the other team (don't forget, Chloe will get somebody out too and somebody's kid will be on the receiving end of your shouts of "Way to Go Chloe! Way to get him out!) You and your hubby need to learn to vent and release...and never reveal where you would like to bury the body of the parent of the foul mouthed kid who tortures everyone~and thinks it awesome his kid is a "leader"

  2. Well, just enjoy it. T-ball is so fun to watch once the "games" begin. In my few years of t-ball/baseball, I've noticed that the coach's kid seems to be the one that gets in trouble the most, probably because they get the "my dad's the coach" attitude. We've been lucky to have great coaches that recognize that their kid is goofing off and they get after them. We've also been fortunate so far to not have many of "those" parents at our games. Have fun!! Also, if you haven't already you should get Chloe one of those pink batting helmet's with the hole in the back for her ponytail, too cute. I have two boys, so I can't do all the fun pink stuff. :(

  3. Oooooh, I'm gonna keep an eye out for you at t-ball, lol. I think all parents think those things but the good ones keep it to themselves;) I'm sure you'll do fine!

  4. I'm the coach of my son's little league team and it is so much fun! I also did the t-ball team a couple years ago. The kids are the BEST part of the game. Tune out the adults and focus on the actions of the kids. You'll enjoy it a lot more if you do. :)


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