Monday, November 30, 2009

12 Days of Christmas Giveaway Extravaganza ---

In less than 24 hours
The 12 Days of Christmas Giveaway Extravaganza will begin.
There will be 35 FABULOUS shops taking part.
I urge you to enter all the giveaways.....even if its a goodie
you do not want or need....its Christmas that baby !!!
a few giveaway tid-bits
- You can win more than one giveaway
- Each giveaway will last 48 hours
- Each winner will be posted as soon as the giveaway ends
- You MUST contact me if you win....I can not possibly track down 35+ winners
- There is more than one way to win......use all you can !! For can get an extra entry for each giveaway for blogging about that particular giveaway....yes that would be 35 blog posts if you blogged them all...but they dont have to be can simply link and say go here !!
- There will be at least 2 giveaways each day and some days more
Have fun....and Good Luck !!!
have a happy day

Saturday, November 28, 2009

I'm here TONIGHT

and lovin' it I am sure

have a happy day

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving from me and my turkeys
Eat good food
Enjoy your family and friends
Squeeze in a nap if you can
There may be a lot of things you have had to do without this year....
but chances are you have your family and your friends.....BE THANKFUL !!!

have a happy day

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Toooooooot Toooooooooooot

I am
I am tooting my own horn
tooooooooot toooooooooot
I'm published
Perhaps you have thumbed thru a Somerset magazine
Perhaps you subscribe
They are pricey but they are packed with LOVELY goodies
loads and loads of eye candy and this one I am particularly in LOVE withWinter 2009
Sew Somerset sweet birdie towels
I am tickled and honored
Somerset...thank you for contacting me and asking me
to submit my towels....I am so glad I did.
Yay for me !!!!!
have a happy day
tooooooooooooooooooot toooooooooooooooooooot

Monday, November 23, 2009

Monday Must Haves

My Monday must haves Popping Patchwork Pillow
popping indeed
I know ohhhh......about 20 places I would like to pop this beauty !!

Ahhh.....little darling
I love the pieces at Humble Bea
this is my favorite right now
Keep Christmas in your Heart.....indeedI LOVE this LOVE

Sweetest little Christmas mouse ever !!!
are calling my name.....for real!!
I am developing a sort of kind of vintage
bank collection....not on purpose of course
this SHOE one with the sweet lil' bunnies would be perfect amongst my other babies.
Ha...presenting my little ice skates.....hit the ice baby.
I adore this .... my latest creation....and its a must have.....maybe for you ??
The 12 Days of Christmas Giveaway is closer than ever.......mark your calendar !!!
have a happy day

Friday, November 20, 2009

Be A Mom

Do you ever just pray
Let me be a mom
my life right now is so busy
its so easy to say to Chloe
read a book
entertain yourself
give mommy a minute
I need to do this
I need to do that
tomorrow I just want to be a mom
tomorrow I just need to be a mom
not a cook
not a maid
not a dog walker
not a painter
not a mopper
not a clock watcher
not a dish washer
not a window cleaner
not a shopper
not a TV watcher
not a crafter
not a sewer
not a daydreamer
not a time waster
not an errand runner
not a towel folder
just a mom
Lord let me
help me
just be a mom
one day at a time
be a mom
I am so type A
I need to
I want to
chill and be a mom
and tomorrow that is what I am gonna do

have a happy day

way back

way back
when I didn't blog
I could not share
silly occurrences like this
with you
Chloe had a thing for
carrying off my rugs and the non-slip mats too
What makes them do this?
Why so crazy?
Oh how I miss this childish silliness....yes I do.

have a happy day

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


don't you LOVE to be a winner
I sure do
Be SURE to come back December 1-12
Where 30+ lucky winners will get some
out of this world fabulous goodies
You do NOT want to miss this.

The WINNER of the Veggie Tales movie
Random Integer Generator
Here are your random numbers: 19
Timestamp: 2009-11-18 13:34:19 UTC

comment number 19
Elle Jay
Yay for you Elle....please contact me with your address and I'll
get your sweet movie to YOU !!!

and you may recall the post where I offered up the
kissing Santas to someone who could use them
KATE who said :
Thank you so much for the thrift shop idea! What to do with the Santas... I think I would have the kids go caroling again at the retirement home down the block ~ but this time, they'd have something LOVELY to pass out when the smiling faces came out to see them

So happy for you KATE....I have your address because of the frequent shopper that you are. I will get these to you !!!

Congratulations to you both and thanks for all your support !!

have a happy day

Friday, November 13, 2009

a super sweet GIVEAWAY

I decided it was time to clean out Chloe's movie baskets
lots of jo jo's circus and Sunny Patch dvd's still in
there .... talking up space
Well...I came across this
We have 2 copies of
Veggie Tales The Wonderful Wizard of Ha's DVD
and this one is brand spankin' new condition.
You can read about this movie here
to see if its appropriate for your family. It's fun
It's sweet
We enjoy it !!!!
This would be a great Christmas gift if you do not need it.....maybe you know someone.

How do you win it ????
1. Leave a comment telling me who its for.
2. Blog about this giveaway ... be sure to come back ...leave a second comment telling me you blogged it and a link to your blog.
3. Promise me you'll come back the first 12 Days of December because you LOVE a third comment.
4. Sign up for my newsletter.....leave a fourth comment telling me you would like to sign up and leave your email address and your first name at least...put spaces between some of the letters of your address please so spammers do not pick it up....this is for your protection.
So you can have 4 possible sure to follow the instructions...leave a comment for each task.

Be sure to COME BACK and see if you won.....I will not contact the need to contact me. I will pick a winner Tuesday or Wednesday !!!

Good Luck !!!

have a happy day

high emotion

bath time
has forever been a time of high emotion for me
funny times like the above photo
her hair looked so silly
she just made me laugh
and she knows when she has me laughing
if she makes crazy faces I'll laugh harder
I love that she tries to make me laugh
random bubbles from down below....funny
slipping and falling ( when she does not get hurt) ....funny
shampoo mohawks....funny
difficult times
when it has been a long day
often the last thing I wanna do is
bathe Chloe
water everywhere
soap in her eyes and sometimes mine too
going thru 2 or 3 towels for the flooded floor
too many toys in the tub .... can't find the soap
take and extra 5 minutes just to pick up and shake
all the water out of too many toys
warm and fuzzy times
when she listens
and sits so still while I get the
job done
when I showed her how to rub her little hands
on the soap and press them together
then open them in a diamond shape and
blow....and makes a bubble...the wonderment
just like I did with my mom when
I was little
or when I showed her how to lay the washcloth
on top of the water and then gather it under the water
capturing the air inside...making it look like a plump mushroom
then you squeeeeze and watch it fizz as the air escapes...oh the things mommies can do
Sadness and happiness and confusion....when did her legs get so long
she is nearly as long as the tub
For all of these reasons and more bath time will always be something I remember
the small room of our house has had so much much much exhaustion as one of the last chores of the day is performed....washing the little one. I know the day is coming fast....but I am gonna miss bath time....ya think she'll let me at least come in a chat while she takes her bath when she gets bigger.....ya think she'll still splash me......I hope so.

have a happy day

Thursday, November 12, 2009


Sweet rain mobile
If rain where this color
it may be nicer

Owl and mushrooms
in the rain
does it get any better?

so sweet and fun to boot...haha

This lil' print would be the perfect
fit for the mudroom...right by the back door
where all the wet boots go
so cute....I love it
on my Christmas list....for sure.
umbrella umbrella...whose got the umbrella?
The umbrellas around here are getting lots of love this week
Hurricane Ida has been visiting...and is currently overstaying her welcome
Bye now Ida......see ya later.
have a happy day

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


My child has obsessions
with objects
and I don't mean...with Littlest Pet Shop
or Disney Princess
or a blankie or lovie
I mean funny ones...silly ones....down right crazy ones....
they may last for days
they may last for months The current obsession is nutcrackers
She had daddy get all (10) of her nutcrackers out
of the attic Saturday....and it hits her
immediately.......Oh Daddy....
I need my
Some obsessions are harder to deal with than others
like the nutcracker one
she totes 1 or 2 everywhere
even out to eat.....serious.
It may look completely neurotic....but I am sure
its fine......right ?
Did your kid have one or two or ten crazy obsessions ??
Tell me about them.....please.....I am not alone on this island....right?

Be here December do not wanna miss does over 30 shops sound ???
wonderful huh? here.
Some of you wanna see the delicious treat that I mentioned in the previous post...when this hurricaine induced gray sky leaves....I'll shoot it for you and show ya.....yum !!
have a happy day

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

I Was So Mad

I was
I was so mad
just like little critter
I let some humans and their policies(said in a whiny high-pitched voice) get to me
I went to one of my favorite thrift stores
on this glorious WET Tuesday
its glorious cause its my day off
I saw a bag of fabric
I had to have was overflowing
with dotted swiss
I snatched it up
and skipped....humming la la la laaaaaaaa
to the checkout lane
says the unfriendly lady to happy me
"I can't sell you does not have a price"
Says surprised me
"SERIOUS???!!!!??...I know how much they are....I buy them ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL the time...I'll pay you double"
Says mean ole her "sorry I can't it has to go back in the back and be re-processed and priced"
Says unhappy me "that is a stinkin' are a thrift store for crying out sell ....well....junk...come on"
Says very mean her "sorry"
Says gettin' kinda mad me " get your manager"
I basically give the manager the same song and dance routine
NO GO....they will not sell me the fabric
it had to be reprocessed (whiny high pitched voice again)
So I asked long will it take to get this bag of vintage goodness back on the shelf
I want which they reply.....we have no idea
UGH....sure !!!!!! I say
So I leave.....sad....mad.....just downright upset
and I phone the regional manager's office
well he said they did the right thing...that is the policy
well may be I say...but its a dumb one
he this case should be back on the shelf in one hour
did you say one hour?
Yes (with fist pump)
hi again
manager says the bag should be back out within the hour
I can tell they hate me
and so it bag...all mine mine mine
and thank you for doing business with me
mean ole policy following ladies
I'm so happy now.....the fabric is wonderful....and I am happy...with or without dumb policies.

have a happy day

Sunday, November 8, 2009

weekend in review

weekends are good
love em'
so far FALL here has been fabulous
mid 70's
just lovely even the dog could not resist a lil'
basking in the rays
this means one thing
mama is gonna paint something
run while you can
cause if I catch you
we will be fitting your hand for a paint brush
a sweet lil pair of flocked deer arrived
meaning one thing
I plan to keep my lovelies for myself
I just don't see me parting with them
now Chloe has her own set for playing
in no time these cuties will be wearing capes
and marching along with nutcrackers
which Chloe made daddy dig out of
the Christmas stuff this weekend
and thank you Target
our first TOY catalog of the season
I want dis....and dis.....and dis......
a surprise package of yummy scraps
and trims arrived from a sweet friend
thank you friend.
cars were washed
Sunday morning we decided to take off from church
and head for the mountains
even when the leaves have gone brown
its still so breath-taking.
looking glass falls
no words...really...none

some of us dug beef jerky out of our teeth
with our fingers
for crying out loud
lots of walking
this is a large and long rock you can slide on
correctly named slippery rock
no thanks
we found a dryer and safer version

we went in tunnels
and came out of tunnels
much like we do weekends
they go by so fast
but they sure are fun
have a happy day
FYI.....the little reason to keep coming back here that I mentioned in the last post...OH..its gonna be so is a hint....over 20 shops !!!!!! December here !!!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Fried Food

It calls for me
it has my number
it does not call a lot
but it calls
Fried food
maybe you know it
maybe you know it well
maybe you have only met once or twice
and I am so sad for you if you have NEVER met...oh my!
There are days that I require
fried food just to get by
stressful days
long days
busy days
My on again off again love affair with fried food will never end
it calms my nerves
makes me feel better
(well at least while I am eating it)
we will not mention the guilt that sometimes follows
I don't worry about my hips
my butt
my thighs
zits...come on..that has to be a tale...grease does not give you zits
if so I would be a walking zit a couple times a year
and I never have them
I don't sweat it....I eat it.....and I love it.

have a happy day

and oh yea.....there is something WONDERFUL brewing here at the ole will want to make sure you keep coming back...soon there will be an event you do not wanna miss !!!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Winding Down

Winding down
after a busy busy
fast fast
hurry hurry
too much sugar

Littlest pet shop
has even had enough
Everyone is snoozing
in their sleeping sacks
Chloe and Nana whipped up after school
little felt
cut cut
fold fold
sew sew
nite nite
have a happy day